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límec Czech

Meaning límec meaning

What does límec mean in Czech?


collar část oděvu u krku

Translation límec translation

How do I translate límec from Czech into English?

límec Czech » English

collar ruff neckband neck

Synonyms límec synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as límec?

límec Czech » Czech

límeček výstřih obojek

Inflection límec inflection

How do you inflect límec in Czech?

límec · noun


Examples límec examples

How do I use límec in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Když někdo o tři centimetry větší límec u košile, nemůže být zdravý.
I know. When a man's collar is an inch too big for him, I know he's ill.
Vezmeš si límec?
Put on a collar?
Myslíš, jako za límec a tak?
You mean, by the neck or something?
Vyhrňte si límec.
Put your coat on.
Chytil za límec a škrtil.
He seized me by the collar and flung me out.
Ronald: Nikoliv, to je límec, který vždycky béře pan baron ke smokingu.
No, it is the collar your lordship always wears with the dinner jacket.
Dejte každému pilotovi staromódní tuhý límec.
Provide each dive-bombing pilot with an old-fashioned stiff collar.
Tuhý límec.
Stiff collar.
To, co ten hňup řekl o límci, ale nebude to límec, ale pásek, jasné?
What that half-wit just said about a collar except it's not a collar, it's a belt, understand?
A ty, teto Martho, zase vysoký límec, aby zakryl jizvu po popálení dědečkovou kyselinou.
And you, Aunt Matha, still the high colla to hide the sca whee Gandfathe's acid buned you.
Diamantový límec, zlaté rukávy.
Live sable? Diamond collar, gold sleeves.
Límec si vypůjčil ode .
Cut me throat, rip me liver, if I'm tellin' a lie.
Povol si límec.
Loosen your collar.
Nosíš ten límec abys zakryl jizvu?
Do you wear that collar to hide the scar?

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