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klíč legendy Czech

Translation klíč legendy translation

How do I translate klíč legendy from Czech into English?

klíč legendy Czech » English

legend keys

Examples klíč legendy examples

How do I use klíč legendy in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Ztratil jsem svůj klíč.
I have lost my key.
Prosím klíč od pokoje.
My room key, please.
Vložila si ten klíč do tašky.
She put the key in her bag.
Tom si upravil sedačku, vložil klíč do zapalování a potom odjel.
Tom adjusted the seat, put in the key, and then drove away.
Tom klíč od Maryina bytu?
Does Tom have a key to Mary's apartment?
Tom klíč?
Does Tom have a key?
Budeš potřebovat klíč.
You will need a key.
Máš pořád klíč?
Do you still have a key?
Tady, použij můj klíč.
Here, use my key.
Na, vem si můj klíč.
Here, use my key.
Nevíš, kde je k tomu klíč?
Do you know where the key to this is?
Měli by ho zamknout a zahodit klíč.
They should lock him up and throw away the key.
Nastavitelný klíč je užitečný nástroj pro každého instalatéra.
An adjustable wrench is a useful tool for any plumber.
Tom nechal svůj klíč na stole, jak to často dělá.
Tom left his key on the desk as he often does.

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