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Inn Czech

Meaning Inn meaning

What does Inn mean in Czech?


Inn řeka ve střední Evropě, přítok Dunaje

Translation Inn translation

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Inn River

Examples Inn examples

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Movie subtitles

Nevím, ale tady mám vždycky nepříjemný pocit, ta Jamaica Inn je příšerná.
I do not like it at all! this place flanks scared me!
Tady je ta Jamaica Inn!
This is the hostel of Jamaica!
Okamžitě se otočte a odvezte zpátky do Jamaica Inn!
Make a U-turn and take me.
Do Jamaica Inn.
And where are you?
Chodit do Jamaica Inn je riskantí, když je otevřeno.
There is no risk -. with men there and Patience?
Minulou noc jsme spolu museli uprchnout z Jamaica Inn.
We fled from the hostel. It is a horrible place!
Je to jeden z těch pašeráků z Jamaica Inn.
It is the band of smugglers the hostel in Jamaica.
Proč, něco není v pořádku? Pengallan je vůdcem bandy lupičů z Jamaica Inn.
We order to stop it.
Budeme ve Flume Inn.
We're going to Flume Inn.
Flume Inn?
What? Flume Inn?
Co se ti nezdá na Flume Inn?
What's the matter with Flume Inn?
Poletím do Flume Inn. - Cože?
I'm going up to Flume Inn.
Flume Inn?
Flume Inn?
A za tím vtipem se skrývá Flume Inn a Darien a Tommy a ty děti.
And behind that joke is Flume Inn and Darien and Tommy and those kids.

inn English

Translation Inn in Czech

How do you say Inn in Czech?

Examples Inn in Czech examples

How do I translate Inn into Czech?

Simple sentences

Hungry and thirsty, we at last reached the inn.
Hladoví a žízniví, konečně jsme dosáhli hostince.

Movie subtitles

I wonder how he was able to get an inn like this?
Kněz Takuan.
We must reach the inn before sundown.
Musíme dojet do hostince před západem slunce.
No! We must get to the inn before nightfall.
Musíme do hostince dorazit před soumrakem.
His aimless wanderings led him late one evening to a secluded inn by the river in a village called Courtempierre.
Během jednoho z jeho bezcílných putování koncem léta se ocitl před osamělým hotelem u obce Courtempierre.
Here, in seclusion, with only his two daughters and a few servants for company, lived the man who had appeared to Allan Gray earlier at the inn.
Muž, kterého Allan Gray viděl samé noci v hostinci, tu žil o samotě.se svými dvěma dcerami a několika služebníky.
Lion's Head inn, eh?
Z hostince U lví hlavy, co?
We'll stop in a lane near the inn.
Zastavíme nedaleko hostince.
The inn, mein Herr.
Hostinec, mein Herr.
Miss Franchette you are then the proprietor as well as the hostess of the Green Light Inn?
SIečno Franchetteová, jste tedy majitelka a zároveň hostinská v hostinci Green Light?
Defendant number one, Kirby Dawson who, according to testimony, was in the Green Light Inn during the hours of the commission of this crime.
ObžaIovaný čísIo jedna, Kirby Dawson, který byl podle svědectví v době, kdy se zIočin odehrál v hostinci Green Light.
How far is it to the inn where Monsieur Duval is staying?
Jak daleko je hostinec, kde pan Duval bydlí?
I was told at the inn that I'd find my son here.
V hostinci mi říkali, že tu najdu syna.
Armand's car broke down last night miles from nowhere. and we had to stay at the nastiest inn ever.
Armandovi se porouchalo auto v noci uprostřed ničeho. a museli jsme zůstat v nejodpornější díře světa. Bylo to hrozné!
I'm sorry the inn was so inconvenient.
Je mi líto, hostinec byl tak nepohodlný.

News and current affairs

The amount of marble used for renovation seemed excessive, and the understanding of what constitutes luxury appeared to correspond to the standards of a Holiday Inn.
Množství mramoru použitého při renovaci působilo přehnaně a zdálo se, že chápání toho, v čem spočívá přepych, odpovídá standardům zájezdních hostinců.