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hostovat Czech

Translation hostovat translation

How do I translate hostovat from Czech into English?

hostovat Czech » English

tour host be on tour

Synonyms hostovat synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as hostovat?

hostovat Czech » Czech

ubytovat pohostinsky vystupovat

Conjugation hostovat conjugation

How do you conjugate hostovat in Czech?

hostovat · verb

Examples hostovat examples

How do I use hostovat in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Byl ochotný hostovat jako bubeník, prosím: Ráz - dva, ráz - dva -tři!
He has kindly consented to assist in the role of guest drummer.
A toho nebudu schopná, pokud budeme vzájemně hostovat v našich snech.
And I won't be able to as long as we're doing guest spots in each other's dreams.
Dnes jste byli vybráni aby hostovat na dvoře Úžasného.
Fortoday you have been chosen to reside in the court of the Great One.
Oh, oh a kdy bude v tom vašem homoušském pořadu hostovat Ellen?
Oh, oh, and when will Ellen be guesting on your very gay show?
Jste na řadě, hostovat večerní akci.
It's your turn to host the slumber party.
Kdo je tak dobrý rodič, že jeho snoubenka může jako tanečnice hostovat v Berkeley?
Um, who's kicking ass at parenting so that their fiancee can kick ass as a visiting artist at Berkeley?
Mohla bys u nich hostovat.
You could sit in.
Budeš hostovat ten charitativní večírek?
You still, uh. hosting the charity event?
A možnost dýdžeje hostovat na této stanici.
And the chance to guest deejay here at the radio station.
A vy ho budete hostovat?
And you'll host it?
Ne, jsi více, než schopný si ho hostovat sám.
No, you're more than capable of hosting it yourself.
Slyšel jsi o holce, která měla hostovat v naší show?
Hey, did you hear that girl who's supposed to guest star on our show next month?
Když budeme spolu-hostovat.
If we co-host.
Potom mu řeknu jaká je to škoda, že ani jeden z nás nemůže hostovat státní šampionát sám.
Then I'll say what a bummer it is neither of us can host the State Championship game alone.

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