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herb Czech

Examples herb examples

How do I use herb in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Herb je Joeův přítel.
Help me clear the table. Herbert's a friend of Joe's.
Charlesi, to je Herb Hawkins.
Charles, this is Herb Hawkins.
Herb vymýšlí, jak zabít , a zas jeho.
Herb's talking about killing me, and I'm talking about killing him.
Herb slyšel, jak boucháš na dveře.
Herb heard you beating on the door.
Dnes byli hosty Arthur Freed a Nacio Herb Brown.
Tonight's honored guests were Arthur Freed and Nacio Herb Brown.
Herb všechno platil šekem.
Herb paid everything by check.
Můj právník je Herb Appleby z Appleby, Ross a Montgomery.
My lawyer is Herb Appleby of Appleby, Ross and Montgomery.
Chci mluvit s Legal Affairs, Herb Thackery. s Joe Donnellym ze Standards and Practices.
I'd like to talk to Legal Affairs, Herb Thackery. and Joe Donnelly in Standards and Practices.
Pro tebe, Herb.
For you, Herb.
Ačkoli, žalobce, jistý Herb Bremen, se rozhodl. že se uchýlí k nelegálním činům aby je vody zbavil.
However, the plaintiff, one Herb Bremen, now seems determined. to resort to illegal acts to deprive them of that water.
Tohle je Herb Rose, který tu vede kancelář Paramountu.
This is Herb Rose, who runs a Paramount office here.
Herb Rose.
Herb Rose.
Ano, jsem Herb Smith.
Yeah, I'm Herb Smith.
A když se a Herb hádáme no, když jich je víc, lépe se s tím vyrovnají, než kdyby to byl jedináček.
And when Herb and me fight well, I think the bunch of them can absorb it a lot better than if there was just one.

News and current affairs

A jak kdysi říkal Herb Stein, dnes již zesnulý ekonom a bývalý poradce prezidenta Richarda Nixona, je-li něco neudržitelné, pak to jednoho dne ustane.
As the late economist Herb Stein, an advisor to President Richard Nixon, used to say, if something is unsustainable, then someday it will stop.

herb English

Translation herb in Czech

How do you say herb in Czech?

herb English » Czech

bylina tráva rostlina marihuana byliny

Examples herb in Czech examples

How do I translate herb into Czech?

Movie subtitles

What was that herb that excited him so?
Co to bylo za rostlinu, která ho tak rozrušila?
What is that herb that made him so upset?
Co je to za bylinu, co ho tak rozčílila?
Bullet went right through you, Herb.
Kulka vyšla z těla ven, Herbe.
Too bad, Herb was a real nice fella.
Škoda ho.
Hello, Herb.
Ahoj, Herbe.
Herb, I'd like you to meet my brother-in-law.
Rád bych ti představil svého švagra.
Charles, this is Herb Hawkins.
Charlesi, to je Herb Hawkins.
How's your mother, Herb?
Jak se daří matce, Herbe?
Excuse me, Herb.
Dovolíte, Herbe?
Good night, Herb. - Good night, Charlie.
Dobrou noc, Herbe.
What were we saying, Herb? Did I notice what?
O čem jsme to mluvili, Herbe?
Well, Herb, how's your mother?
Dobrý večer. - Herbe, jak se daří vaší matce?
Herb's talking about killing me, and I'm talking about killing him.
Herb vymýšlí, jak zabít , a zas jeho.
Herb heard you beating on the door.
Herb slyšel, jak boucháš na dveře.

News and current affairs

Consider a drug based on traditional knowledge, say, of an herb well known for its medicinal properties.
Představme si například lék založený na tradiční znalosti určité byliny a jejích léčebných účinků.
As the late economist Herb Stein, an advisor to President Richard Nixon, used to say, if something is unsustainable, then someday it will stop.
A jak kdysi říkal Herb Stein, dnes již zesnulý ekonom a bývalý poradce prezidenta Richarda Nixona, je-li něco neudržitelné, pak to jednoho dne ustane.

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