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Griffin nikdy neměl žádná tajemství.
Griffin was never the man for secrets.
Jen doufám, že si s tím Griffin nezahrával.
I only pray to God that Griffin hasn't been meddling with this ghastly stuff.
Řekneme policii, že Griffin zmizel.
Tell the police that Griffin's disappeared.
Jack Griffin.
Jack Griffin.
Griffin se vrátil.
He's come back.
Jen vy a víme, že je to Griffin.
No one but you and I know that it's Griffin.
Jack Griffin se vrátil.
Jack Griffin's come back.
Jack Griffin je ten neviditelný muž.
Jack Griffin's the invisible man.
Kde je doktor Griffin?
Where is Dr Griffin?
Je to Griffin.
It is Griffin!
Není to Tim Griffin?
Say, isn't that Tim Griffin?
Pilot Griffin.
Griffin, pilot.
Pan Griffin míjel Medford.
Mr. Griffin passed Medford.
Mysleli jsme, že když byl major Hardy zraněn, tak Griff, tedy kapitán Griffin, převezme velení.
We thought when Major Hardy was injured that Griff. I mean, Captain Griffin would be in command.

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Translation griffin in Czech

How do you say griffin in Czech?

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Examples griffin in Czech examples

How do I translate griffin into Czech?

Movie subtitles

Flora's worried about Griffin.
Flora starost o Griffina.
Griffin was never the man for secrets.
Griffin nikdy neměl žádná tajemství.
I only pray to God that Griffin hasn't been meddling with this ghastly stuff.
Jen doufám, že si s tím Griffin nezahrával.
Tell the police that Griffin's disappeared.
Řekneme policii, že Griffin zmizel.
Jack Griffin.
Jack Griffin.
But, Griffin, it's ghastly!
Ale, Griffine, to je hrůza.
But why? Why do it, Griffin?
Proč jsi to udělal, Griffine?
Griffin, for heaven's sake!
Griffine, pro Boha.
Griffin? Are you there?
Griffine, jsi tam?
Doctor, it's something ghastly. It's Griffin.
Doktore, stalo se něco strašného.
No one but you and I know that it's Griffin.
Jen vy a víme, že je to Griffin.
Jack Griffin's come back.
Jack Griffin se vrátil.
Jack Griffin's the invisible man.
Jack Griffin je ten neviditelný muž.
I had to tell them you were back, Griffin.
Musel jsem jim to říct, Griffine.

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