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Examples focal distance examples

How do I use focal distance in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Zkrátka musíš držet vzdálenost, čili distance, a budeš proti všemu a každému nebezpečí obrněna.
By and large, you must keep your distance, then you'll steel yourself against any danger.
Ramstein. Distance 8 mil, klesáme ve stavu tísně.
Ramstein Tower, we are at ten miles northwest to final, coming in red hot.
Deep is the distance, deep is the remoteness.
Deep is the distance, deep is the remoteness.
Long distance vztah.
Long distance relationship.
From a safe distance, of course!
From a safe distance, of course!
No Distance. je docela jasná, když si poslechnete ten text.
No Distance. It became pretty apparent when we were listening to the lyrics of that.
Jaká je jejich distance od cíle?
It depends on how good a shot that pilot is.
kilo a půl nadváhu a nenávidí distance.
Well, he's carrying 3 extra pounds, and he hates the distance.
Neoprávněné užití distance.
Illegal usage of gum drop lane.
Operace Out Distance vám bude k dispozici.
Operation Out Distance has re-supplied us with these.

focal distance English

Translation focal distance in Czech

How do you say focal distance in Czech?

focal distance English » Czech

ohnisková vzdálenost

Examples focal distance in Czech examples

How do I translate focal distance into Czech?

Simple sentences

Seen from a distance, she's a beauty.
Viděna z dálky je to kráska.
The moon is not always the same distance away from Earth.
Měsíc není od Země vždy stejně daleko.
He deliberately set the house on fire. Then he watched from distance how firemen tried to fight the fire.
Úmyslně ten dům podpálil. Z dálky pak pozoroval, jak se hasiči snaží uhasit požár.
The lighthouse is gradually disappearing into the distance.
Maják se pomalu ztrácí v dáli.
They told me to keep my distance.
Řekli mi, abych si zachovával odstup.
People are ordered to observe a two-meter distance from one another in stores.
Lidé mají v obchodech nařízeno od sebe udržovat dvoumetrový odstup.

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