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Examples double vacancy examples

How do I use double vacancy in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Hráli bysme scrabble a double canfield.
We'll work out a lot of crossword puzzles and play Double Canfield.
Když připočítáte ten minulý double. - Nesmysl chlapče.
Lf you count that last redouble, it's.
R - E-I-double L - Y.
R-E-l-double L-Y.
Pass a double.
Pass and double.
Třeba double dostihy.
A daily double.
V Národní lize, San Francisco Giants porazilo the Dodgers v obou zakončeních double-headeru.
In the National League, San Francisco Giants. beat the Dodgers in both ends of a double-header.
Piková čtyřka, double.
Four spades, double.
Dej nám láhev Double Eagle a tři sklenice.
Yeah, give us a bottle of Double Eagle and three glasses.
Have to charge her double then.
Yes. Have to charge her double then.
Pošli nás do salónu Double Up nebo divadla Morgan Park nebo do Crystalu.
Put us in the Double Up Lounge, or the Morgan Park Theatre, or the Crystal.
Double-edged Super Blue.
Double-edged Super Blue.
Což takhle double barrel roll. nebo barrel roll kombinovaný se saltem?
How about a double-barrel roll. or a barrel roll with a somersault combined?
Vítej na ranči Double-M.
Welcome to the Double-M Ranch.

Examples double vacancy in Czech examples

How do I translate double vacancy into Czech?

Simple sentences

You are mistaken: he plays double bass, not trombone.
Mýlíš se: on hraje na kontrabas, ne na trombón.

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