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curly English

Translation curly in Czech

How do you say curly in Czech?

Examples curly in Czech examples

How do I translate curly into Czech?

Movie subtitles

Come On,Curly.
Za mnou, Hardy.
Oh yes, then I was a rosy-cheeked, curly-haired boy, when I timidly fell in love with Comtesse Aranka.
Prášil: Jo, tenkrát jsem byl růžolící, kučeravý boy, když jsem se nesměle zamiloval do komtesy Aranky.
He'll tell you why Rebecca went to him. to confirm the fact that she was going to have a child, a sweet, curly-headed little child.
Řekne vám, proč za ním Rebecca byla. Aby potvrdil, že bude mít dítě, roztomilé, kudrnaté děťátko.
Light, curly hair.
Světlé, kudrnaté vlasy.
Don't feel sorry for me, Curly.
Nelituj , Kudrnáči.
A cute little boy, sun-brown curly hair?
Malý roztomilý kudrnatý chlapec.
Back to the depot, Curly.
Zpátky do depa, Curly.
Come on, Curly, I'm late!
Pohni, Curly, máme zpoždění.
Come on, Curly, get them mules.
Pohni s těma mezkama, Curly.
Come on, Curly, get that stock off of there, will you?
Dělej Curly, pohni s tím dobytkem.
Come on, Curly, move!
Pohni s tím, Curly.
Come on, Curly!
Dělej Curly.
Hurry up there, Curly!
Pohni s tím, Curly.
Curly, take a look in that wagon.
Curly, mrkni se do vozu.

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