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coulter English

Translation coulter in Czech

How do you say coulter in Czech?

coulter English » Czech


Examples coulter in Czech examples

How do I translate coulter into Czech?

Movie subtitles

Don't you give me that look, Lee Coulter!
Takhle se na nedívej, Lee Coultere! Jsem tvoje žena.
Mr. Coulter.
Pane Coultere. Paní Coulterová.
Mrs. Coulter. Shipment number 12's on its way, and it's ahead of schedule.
Náklad číslo 12 je na cestě a dorazí o něco dříve.
Well, thank you, Mr. Coulter.
Děkuji, pane Coultere.
Lee Coulter!
Lee Coultere! Nehádej se se mnou.
Her fallow leas, the darnel, hemlock and rank fumitory, doth root upon, while that the coulter rusts that should deracinate such savagery.
Na zpustlých polích roste samý plevel a zamořuje je, a pluhy rezaví, místo aby půdu obdělávaly.
Coulter's my name, Bar W Ranch.
jsem Coulter, rancher.
Matt Coulter's inside doing the honors.
Je tam uvnitř s Mattem Coulterem.
Every time he tries to ride out to Bryant, Coulter corners him for a drink.
Vždycky, když chce jít za Bryantem, Coulter ho pozve na drink.
Matt Coulter?
Matt Coulter?
Get Coulter for me, I want to talk with him.
Spojte s Coulterem, musím s ním mluvit.
Coulter talking.
Coulter, mluvte.
Coulter talking.
Coulter mluvte.
Do you remember Mary Coulter?
Pamatuješ na Mary Ooulterovou?

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