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chobotnice Czech

Meaning chobotnice meaning

What does chobotnice mean in Czech?


octopus hlavonožec s osmi chapadly  Chobotnice osm chapadel s bradavičnatým vakem, ve kterém se nachází velmi vyvinutý mozek a nervový systém. přen. složitá struktura  Chobotnice organizovaného zločinu svá chapadla i ve vládě.

Translation chobotnice translation

How do I translate chobotnice from Czech into English?

chobotnice Czech » English

octopus squid octopod octopuses devilfish cuttlefish

Chobotnice Czech » English

La Piovra

Synonyms chobotnice synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as chobotnice?

chobotnice Czech » Czech

oliheň-animal krakatice kalmar chobotnice-animal

Inflection chobotnice inflection

How do you inflect chobotnice in Czech?

chobotnice · noun


Examples chobotnice examples

How do I use chobotnice in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Ta chobotnice se vrátila do moře, aniž by byla snědena.
That octopus returned to the sea without being eaten.
Kolik chapadel chobotnice?
How many tentacles does an octopus have?

Movie subtitles

Byl jako chobotnice.
It was like tangling with an octopus.
Pozor, je tam chobotnice!
There's a squid out there!
Ale nějaká žena tam dole je, dvacet metrů pod hladinou, sama v mrtvé lodi, kde se tmou prohání žraloci a chobotnice.
But some woman is down there. under 10 fathoms of green water. all alone in a dead ship. where the shark and the giant squid swim through the dark shadows.
To je z chobotnice.
That there's from a giant squid.
Ta chobotnice ho trochu pomuchlala.
Looks like that squid tore him up a bit.
Můžeš z nich pozorovat sasanky a chobotnice a taky mušle.
When it's low tide you can go there and watch the anemones and ink-squids.
Jako chobotnice.
An octopus.
Po tom laciném vínu jsi byl přítulný jak chobotnice.
Drinking free wine and turning into an octopus.
Vždycky jsem si přál, abych byl chobotnice.
Aye. This is one time I wish we was octopuses.
No, máš taky chvíle, kdy se chováš jako nějaká chobotnice.
Well, you had moments of kind of making like an octopus.
Plivni si do dlaní, ty špinavá chobotnice.
Hop to it, you dirty squid.
Jako chobotnice zvracíte černý inkoust.
You vomit black ink like a squid.
Chlapec a jeho chobotnice?
A boy and his octopus?

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