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Translation Basil translation

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Tady sir Basil Humphrey.
Sir Basil Humphrey speaking.
Mezi přátele lorda Henryho patřil i malíř Basil Hallward.
Among Lord Henry's friends was the painter Basil Hallward.
Slečno Vane, již vás Sir Tristan, jak mu půvabně říkáte někdy pozval, aby jste si prohlédla ten nádherný portrét, který pro něj Basil Hallward namaloval?
Miss Vane, has Sir Tristan, as you have so charmingly called him. ever invited you to see the wonderful portrait that Basil Hallward has made of him?
Jeho pohled padl na portrét, který pro něj namaloval Basil Hallward.
His eye fell on the portrait Basil Hallward had painted of him.
Co když přijde Basil Hallward a zeptá se, jestli by se mohl podívat na svůj vlastní obraz?
What if Basil Hallward came and asked to look at his own picture?
Přes obrovskou změnu, která s portrétem nastala Basil byl ještě schopen poznat, že je to jeho kresba Doriana.
In spite of the indescribable corruption of the portrait. Basil was still able to recognize his painting of Dorian.
Avšak někdy by to tajemství mohl Basil prozradit.
Yet sometime, somehow, Basil might reveal his secret to her.
Basil byl mrtev.
Basil was dead.
Basil opustil dům v 11 hodin.
Basil had left the house at 11.
Basil odjel do Paříže půlnočním vlakem, jak měl v úmyslu.
It was to Paris that Basil had gone by the midnight train as he had intended.
Muž v šedém převlečníku, který nastoupil na nádraží Victoria byl nepochybně Basil Hallward.
The man in the gray ulster who boarded the train at Victoria Station. was undoubtedly Basil Hallward.
Ta nejlepší věc, kterou Basil udělal, byl tvůj úžasný portrét.
The best thing that Basil ever did was that wonderful portrait of you.
A Basil..
And Basil.
Ten blonďák je Basil.
The blond is Basil.

basil English

Translation Basil in Czech

How do you say Basil in Czech?

Basil English » Czech

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Examples Basil in Czech examples

How do I translate Basil into Czech?

Movie subtitles

Tonight, we have, uh, our special. House-made malfatti with vine-ripened Roma tomatoes, Parmesan, and basil.
Máme tu naši specialitu, domácí malfatti s rajčaty roma, parmezánem a bazalkou.
The strength of the vampire, Sir Basil, lies in the fact that he is unbelievable.
Síla upíra, sire Basile. spočívá v tom, že je neuvěřitelný.
Sir Basil, listen to me and believe me, I implore you.
Sire Basile, snažně vás prosím o pozornost a porozumění.
Beg pardon, Sir Basil.
Omluvte mne.
Dracula had many victims, Sir Basil, into whose veins he infused his own tainted blood, making them creatures like himself. Hmm.
Drákula měl mnoho obětí. do jejichž žil vpustil svou vlastní nečistou krev. a tím je změnil na tvory sobě podobné.
You must do something about these attacks, Sir Basil.
Musíte s těmi útoky něco udělat.
This is no hoax, Sir Basil.
Není to žádná bouda, sire Basile.
Sir Basil Humphrey speaking.
Tady sir Basil Humphrey.
There's your vampire, Sir Basil.
Tady máte toho upíra, sire Basile.
Among Lord Henry's friends was the painter Basil Hallward.
Mezi přátele lorda Henryho patřil i malíř Basil Hallward.
It's your best work, Basil.
To je tvoje nejlepší práce, Basile.
Don't flatter yourself, Basil.
Nesmíš si lichotit, Basile.
You always did have a passion for virtue, Basil.
Vždy jsi měl vášeň pro ctnosti, Basile.
Who's that at your piano, Basil?
Kdo je to u tvého klavíru, Basile?

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