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Examples associate pastor examples

How do I use associate pastor in a sentence?

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Nepijeme víno, je to hřích. - Proč? Zapomněl pastor na svatbu v Kana?
Has the pastor forgotten the wedding at Cana?
měla být zahájena mše, ale pastor tady není.
The service should begin, but the pastor is not here.
Za pár týdnů je oddal pastor ze sousedství.
A few weeks later, a neighboring parson joined the two in wedlock.
Nepoznal jsem, že jste pastor.
I didn't see you were a parson.
Takže vy nejste pastor.
So you're not a parson.
Ale pastor nemá automobil.
But the minister has no motorcar.
Bronwyn a Ivora měl oddávat nový pastor, pan Gruffydd, který přišel z univerzity v Cardiffu.
Bronwyn and Ivor were to be married by the new preacher, Mr. Gruffydd. who had come from the university at Cardiff.
Pokud jde o , byl jsem vybrán jako pastor pro tuto školu.
As for myself. I'm happy I've been selected as pastor of St. Mary's.
Kdo jste? - Nový pastor.
Who are you?
Jsem jen pastor.
I'm just the pastor.
Pastor říká, že si netroufá převzít zodpovědnost před bohem.
The priest says that he won't dare place me before the Lord.
Možná by se dal pastor podplatit, ale hostinský všechny naše peníze.
Maybe the priest can be greased. But the innkeeper has all our money.
The priest.
Pastor Miller bude zklamán, když ho neuvidí.
It's going to be a disappointment for Reverend Miller not to see him.

News and current affairs

Alexandr Menšikov, pastor Petra Velikého, chápal nemožnost vítězství v boji s korupcí.
Alexander Menshikov, Peter the Great's minister, understood the impossibility of winning the fight against corruption.

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