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Uhry Czech

Meaning Uhry meaning

What does Uhry mean in Czech?


hist. stát na území dnešního Maďarska a okolních zemí

Translation Uhry translation

How do I translate Uhry from Czech into English?

Uhry Czech » English

Hungary Republic of Hungary

uhry Czech » English

Hungary Republic of Hungary

Synonyms Uhry synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as Uhry?

Uhry Czech » Czech

Maďarsko uhry Uhersko Maďarsko-state

uhry Czech » Czech

Uhry Maďarsko-state Maďarsko

Examples Uhry examples

How do I use Uhry in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Po souloži. mačkala ti uhry?
After making love, does she pick your blackheads?
Vždy mluví o lidech a mačká si uhry.
Always talking about people squeezing pimples.
A tvoje sestra nového přítele. Je z Rutgers a uhry.
She and your father are coming up, and your sister has a new boyfriend from Rutgers.
uhry a je cítit kompostem.
He's got pimples, and he smells of compost.
Je mu 16, za uhry nemůže!
He's just 16! He can't help the pimples.
Nikdo popálený, s bradavicemi, uhry či chlupy z nosu.
Not with pockmarks, warts, pimples or hairs growing out of his nose.
A uhry na zadku.
And I've got dimples on my butt!
S tím, co brejle a uhry?
The one with thick glasses and acne?
Pomáhá vysušit nevzhledné uhry a vady.
Help dry up unsightly pimples and blemishes.
Tvá Výsost si přeje hájit Uhry?
Your Highness want to defend Hungary?
Dobude Budy, promění Uhry na pašalik - čím se pak stane Valašsko?
What will Valachia become then?
Jakmile ta bude v Tvých rukou, bude snadné si podrobit Uhry.
When it is in your hands you would be able to easily subjugate Hungary.
Jestliže chce předat Sedmihradsko a Uhry Mehmedovi, proč to neudělal od samého začátku?
If he wanted to give to Mahomed Transylvania and Hungary why didn't he doit from the very beginning?
Kdyby se dostal do sultánových rukou, Uhry by byly ztraceny.
If it had reached the hands of the sultan, Hungary would have been lost.

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