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pence Czech

Translation pence translation

How do I translate pence from Czech into English?

pence Czech » English

pennies penny pence

Synonyms pence synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as pence?

pence Czech » Czech

krejcar groš grejcar cent

Inflection pence inflection

How do you inflect pence in Czech?

pence · noun


Examples pence examples

How do I use pence in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Sedm a dvě pence.
Seven and tuppence.
Dneska vzrostl kurs o tři pence.
Three pence an ounce up again today.
Cigára za 2 pence.
A packet of fags were a tuppence.
Možná si myslíte, že přebytečné libry, šilinky a pence. mohou čas od času zmizet z knih, aniž by se o to někdo zajímal.
Perhaps you think that odd pounds, shillings and pence can be missing from the books from time to time without further comment.
Víte, že máslo stojí dvě pence?
Butter's gone up tuppence a pound.
Jdeme! Ale je to moje 2pence!
But it's my tuppence!
Vemte si je za dvě pence.
Here, take this for tuppence.
A prodáš ji za tři pence zisku.
Sell it for 3 pennies profit.
Dám tři pence, budu-li do snídaně doma.
No. Three pence if you get me home for breakfast.
Vstupné je jedna pence nebo 2 na podušce naplněné slámou.
One penny admission or 2 pennies for a cushion filled with straw.
Zřejmě jste všecko do poslední pence zdědil.
You probably inherited every penny you got!
To byla pence za vaše myšlenky.
That was a penny for your thoughts.
Říkala jste pence?
Did you say a penny?
V 10:51 vstupuju do klenotnictví kde Vick, převlečen za zákazníka, mi předá 5 liber, 18 šilinků a 3 pence.

pence English

Translation pence in Czech

How do you say pence in Czech?

pence English » Czech

pence čurání pence-money močení moč chcanky

Examples pence in Czech examples

How do I translate pence into Czech?

Movie subtitles

They never have a six pence!
Nemají ani penny.
Ha'pence change.
Ano. Buďte zticha.
Well, gentlemen, after seventeen years of existence, the Amalgamated Mercantile Society's books show the startling figures of a liability of three thousand- two hundred pounds, eight shillings and 10 pence.
Alice! Ano, Alice. Přísahal jsi, že ji budeš milovat věčně.
And a total asset of eleven pounds, eight shillings, and 10 pence.
Život ji tvrdě zasáhl. Zůstala stejná, ale ty ne.
I have waited for this great moment, to advise him that I have my eye on a situation for him which will bring him, if obtained, full 5 and 6 pence weekly!
Přicházejí, maminko! Otec nese Tima na ramenou!
Yes. 8 shillings, this lot, and I wouldn't give you another 6 pence.
Však on přijde. Myslím, že v posledních večerech chodil trochu pomaleji.
Three pence an ounce up again today.
Dneska vzrostl kurs o tři pence.
Perhaps you think that odd pounds, shillings and pence can be missing from the books from time to time without further comment.
Možná si myslíte, že přebytečné libry, šilinky a pence. mohou čas od času zmizet z knih, aniž by se o to někdo zajímal.
Was it three and eight pence ha'penny?
Dva pěťáky?
I'll give you all of the money I've got, that's one and four pence ha'penny, if you'll stop this third degree and let me go inside and get me breakfast.
Dám vám všechny svý drobný, když přestanete buzerovat a necháte nasnídat.
A lady friend of mine gets French lessons for 18 pence an hour. from a real French gentleman.
Kamarádka chodí na franštinu za 18 pencí na hodinu. a učí ji pravej Francouz.
Do you know this could have been sold for 300 pence?
Víš, že se to mohlo prodat za 300 pencí?
You're paying ten pence more for a fancy French label.
O deset pencí víc za francouzskou značku?
No. Three pence if you get me home for breakfast.
Dám tři pence, budu-li do snídaně doma.

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