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Examples armand examples

How do I use armand in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Snad by mi mohla paní hraběnka říci, kde se zdržuje poručík Armand de Foix?
Do you happen to know the whereabouts of Second Lieutenant Armand de Foix?
Jsem Armand Duval.
My name is Armand Duval.
Armand Duval.
Armand Duval.
Armand Duval.
Armand Duval.
Armand to nesmí vědět.
Armand must not know about this.
Ano, Armand Duval je tu často, ale dnes je v Paříži.
Yes, Armand Duval is very often here, but he's in Paris today.
Armand mi sám říkal, že chce ode převzít své skromné jmění.
Armand has told me himself that he wants to take his modest fortune out of my hands at once.
Dokážu vyžít, aniž by mi Armand něco dal.
I can manage very well without taking anything from Armand.
Armand je mladý a život a kariéru před sebou.
Armand is a young man with his way to make, with a career waiting for him.
Armand se neliší od ostatních mužů.
Armand is no different than other men.
Armand je jiný.
No, no. Armand is different.
Vidíte, že dokud vás Armand miluje, tak nevstoupí tam, kam nemůžete.
And so you see, as long as Armand loves you, he'll not enter rooms that you can't.
Chci, aby si Armand užíval života, ne se mu obětoval.
I want Armand to enjoy life, not to be sacrificed to it.
Tamhle je Armand Duval.
There's Armand Duval.

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