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želva Czech

Meaning želva meaning

What does želva mean in Czech?


turtle, tortoise suchozemský či vodní plaz s krátkým a širokým tělem, které je kryto ochranným krunýřem

Translation želva translation

How do I translate želva from Czech into English?

Synonyms želva synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as želva?

Inflection želva inflection

How do you inflect želva in Czech?

želva · noun


Examples želva examples

How do I use želva in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Na pláži se našla roztomilá želva.
A cute little turtle was found on the beach.
Jak dlouho žije želva?
How long does a turtle live?
Tohle je Tomova želva. Jmenuje se Mary.
This is Tom's turtle. Her name is Mary.

Movie subtitles

Ale nespěchej, hezky pomalu, jako želva.
That doesn't mean you should run. Go like the tortoise, one step at a time.
Zajíc a želva.
The Hare and The Tortoise.
Takže se musíme šourat jako kůň a želva.
So we have to hobble together like a horse and a turtle.
A , jak úplná blbka, jsem tady mezi Madonama a světcema, brečela jak želva, zoufalá.
And me, like an idiot, up there,..with Madonnas and Saints, crying away, in despair.
Ó, želva.
Oh, a tortoise.
Lepšího než želva?
Better than the turtle?
Lítá jako želva.
He flies like an old lady.
Velitelem byla stará želva - říkali jsme želvice.
The master was an old turtle - we used to call him Tortoise.
Proč želvice - říká se želva?
Why did you call him Tortoise if he wasn't one?
Je to jen malá želva.
It's a little turtle.
Potřetí jde želva za Achillem.
For the third time, the Tortoise went to see Achilles.
Želva náskok deset metrů.
The race began.
Achilles decimetr, želva centimetr.
Achilles a centimetre and the Tortoise a millimetre.
Achilles centimetr a želva milimetr.
Achilles a millimetre and the Tortoise one-tenth of a millimetre.

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