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žebrat Czech

Meaning žebrat meaning

What does žebrat mean in Czech?


beg prosit o almužnu živit se z almužen expr. poníženě prosit

Translation žebrat translation

How do I translate žebrat from Czech into English?

žebrat Czech » English

beg panhandle scrounge cadge

Synonyms žebrat synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as žebrat?

žebrat Czech » Czech

prosit žádat somrovat chodit po žebrotě

Conjugation žebrat conjugation

How do you conjugate žebrat in Czech?

žebrat · verb

Examples žebrat examples

How do I use žebrat in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Teď, když budeme přáteli, nejspíš přivedou své rodiny, které budou žebrat.
Now that we're going to be friends, they'll probably bring their families over here to beg.
A pak můžeme jít žebrat o podporu!
And then what? We supposed to go on welfare?
Chodí tam hlavně žebrat.
They go there mainly to beg.
Snad nemyslíš, že budu kvůli tobě žebrat?
You don't think I'm going around panhandling for you, do you?
ho utratíme, budu pracovat, žebrat, půjčím si, budu krást.
And when that's gone, I'll work, I'll beg, I'll borrow, I'll steal.
Na práci nemáš věk, takže bys musel s matkou a otcem žebrat na ulici.
You're not old enough to work. so you'd have to go out with your mother and father and beg.
Můžeš sedět doma, budu chodit žebrat.
You can sit home and I'll go out with the cup.
Dědeček chodí žebrat, jako strýc Grigorij.
Grandfather's begging, like Uncle Grigory.
Ne přijímat laskavosti, ale žebrat o svýma špinavýma rukama!
Not earning favors, but whimpering for them with your dirty hands!
Přestaň žebrat.
It ain't no use you niggling at me.
Budete na břehu žebrat o jídlo, ale ona vám sešije hadry, když ji poprosíte.
You'll sleep on the beach and scratch for food. but she'll sew your filthy rags together, if you ask her to.
Neříkal jsem ti, abys sem nikdy nechodil žebrat?
Didn't I tell you never to come panhandling around here, huh?
Může žebrat u jinýho gringa, nebo ho okrást.
You can beg from another gringo, or even commit burglary.
Každej den utrácíme. a brzo budeme tam, kde jsme byli, zase na dně. Zase budeme žebrat a spát v nákladních vozech.
Money's getting shorter every day. and soon we'll be right back where we were, on the bum again. pushing guys for dimes, sleeping around in freight cars.

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