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yellow stainer English

Synonyms yellow stainer synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as yellow stainer?

yellow stainer English » English

yellow-foot yellow staining agaricus

Examples yellow stainer examples

How do I use yellow stainer in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Bananas are yellow.
The car is yellow.
What are yellow cards? Do they give you points?
The sun is yellow.
Tom painted the window frames yellow.
Three of the balls are yellow.
Everyone has a different perception of color. What I call yellow, others would call orange.
Tom is turning yellow.
The girl wearing the yellow dress is Mary.
There are several flowers. One is red, another is white, and the others are yellow.
Who's the girl in a yellow raincoat?
There is a yellow rose.
All the leaves on the tree turned yellow.
The leaves of the tree turned yellow.
The girl wore a yellow ribbon in her hair.
I'll take the yellow one.
This flower is yellow, but all the others are blue.
Why don't you try on this yellow sweater?
I've never seen a yellow submarine in my life.
These green leaves turn red or yellow in fall.

Movie subtitles

His face is like leprous parchment, yellow skin strung tight over protruding bones!
It's just a scratch, you yellow rat!
No! You yellow rat!
Stinking yellow rat!
There's nothing soft about me. Nothing yellow.
What's the matter, Tony, getting yellow?
Where do you get that yellow stuff?
You want to know who's yellow, I'll tell you.
They're crazy when they call you yellow.
If anybody turns yellow and squeals my gun's gonna speak its piece.
You better not turn yellow.
He was yellow, just like Flaherty said.
Why, that dirty, no-good, yellow-bellied stool.
You're yellow.
Nothing yellow. I don't quit.
You're yellow, you dirty.
If anybody turns yellow and squeals my gun's gonna speak its peace.
Just as I thought, you're yellow, grabbing at a woman's skirts.
Not me. I ain't running. I ain't yellow.
I've got a yellow dress.
Yellow is for happiness.
Especially this yellow armband.
I'm wounded! It's just a scratch, you yellow rat!
Bet a half a yellow.
Well, how about making it a full yellow, just for good luck, eh?
Well, I'll make it a yellow.
Well, I got so much confidence in my hand, I'll tap myself for a yellow and red.
You should have a place that would set off that fine body of yours. yellow hair and pale face.
Only there was a tremendously large yellow moon up in the sky.
Yellow, huh?

News and current affairs

There have been just two ugly matches so far, full of fouls, nasty attacks, and unnecessary aggression, as well as numerous yellow and red cards: Italy vs. the US, and Portugal vs. the Netherlands.
He is merely an unthinking nationalist, living in terror of the nationalist yellow tabloid press.
While it has been making slow but steady progress, its future is clouded by worsening water shortages; though it straddles the Yellow River, the water table is dwindling fast.
Green Shoots or Yellow Weeds?
A Yellow Star for the Jewish State?
South Vietnam's flag of yellow with three red horizontal stripes often flies side-by-side with the Star-Spangled banner.
Moreover, many Asian dishes are already colored yellow with saffron, annatto, achiote, and turmeric.
Diseases relayed by mosquitoes--malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, and several kinds of encephalitis--are eliciting particularly grave concern as the world warms.
The victory of black and yellow has, moreover, defined the alternative: red, dark red, and green.
Yes, a full-scale military invasion would meet with a devastating defeat by superior South Korean and US military forces, whose current naval exercises in the Yellow Sea are designed to remind North Korea of this disparity.
We would do better to think of them as red and yellow, separated not by some sharp boundary, but by a continuous range of red-oranges and orange-yellows.
To understand color, it is not enough to understand red and yellow, or blue and violet.
The use of Agent Yellow and Agent Orange as defoliants during the Vietnam War gave rise to an intensive debate about--and some investigations of--such chemicals' toxicological and ecological effects.
These include the Freed Kamlari Development Forum (which combats girls' slavery in Nepal); the Upper Manya Krobo Rights of the Child Club; and the Yellow movement, which campaigns for youth rights in Ethiopia.
We embraced each other under the blue flag with its 12 yellow stars.
But those tentative green shoots that we hear so much about these days may well be overrun by yellow weeds even in the medium term, heralding a weak global recovery over the next two years.
So, green shoots of stabilization may be replaced by yellow weeds of stagnation if several medium-term factors constrain the global economy's ability to return to sustained growth.
A later portion of the war games took place in the Yellow Sea, in international waters very close to China, bluntly demonstrating America's commitment to freedom of the seas in Asia.
At the same time, the agreement eliminates most import tariffs for commodities like rice, yellow corn, or dairy products.
It is a campaign whose instigators have no aim other than to discriminate against, delegitimize, and vilify an Israel that in their mind never stopped wearing its yellow star.
Thaksin's sins are voluminous, and became the basis of the rise of his yellow-shirted opponents, the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), which entered the electoral arena as the New Politics Party.
The PAD's yellow-clad supporters returned to the streets, this time under the banner of ultra-nationalism over Preah Vihear and a domestic anti-corruption campaign.
All around us, warning lights are flashing yellow, if not red.
He was removed from office in 2006, following a bloodless military coup that was supported by the Bangkok middle class, whose members took to the streets in yellow T-shirts (the color of the Thai monarchy).

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