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woodworking plane English

Meaning woodworking plane meaning

What does woodworking plane mean?

woodworking plane

(= plane) a carpenter's hand tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing or shaping wood the cabinetmaker used a plane for the finish work

Synonyms woodworking plane synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as woodworking plane?

woodworking plane English » English

plane carpenter’s plane block plane

Examples woodworking plane examples

How do I use woodworking plane in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The plane made a perfect landing.
I am going to America by plane.
The plane is approaching New York.
How do people manage to sleep on the plane?
He doesn't like traveling by plane.
How long will it take by plane?
We have a plane to catch.
Our plane was cancelled because of adverse weather conditions.
They made a little paper plane.
Where's your plane ticket?
Tom has planted a bomb on the plane.
Is it OK to take food on the plane?
Tom was on the same plane I was.
If I had boarded that plane, I would be dead now.
As the plane was approaching turbulence, the pilot asked the passengers aboard the plane to fasten their seat belts.
Have you ever traveled in a plane?
His plane leaves for Hong Kong at 2:00 p.m.
In culture, they are on the same plane as savages.
Smoking is now banned on all domestic plane flights.
We traveled to Mexico by plane.
After several delays, the plane finally left.
How many hours does it take to go to Okinawa by plane?
Due to bad weather, the plane was late.
Due to the bad weather, the plane was ten minutes late.
The plane was delayed on account of bad weather.
We would have bought the plane tickets if the price had been a little lower.
The plane flew over Mt. Fuji.
I'll make you a model plane.
Arriving at the airport, I saw the plane taking off.
Hurry up, or you'll miss your plane.
His seat in the plane was on the aisle.
Our plane took off exactly on time at six.
How fast the plane is!

News and current affairs

Air safety is slightly different, because a crashing plane can kill people on the ground, but the greatest risks by far are borne by the passengers and crew.
But, rather than earning him the respect of an outraged Egyptian public, revelations in the opposition press that his plane had to obtain a safe passage and authority to land from the Israelis garnered only howls of derision.
In the weeks since John Paul's plane left Krakow, it is clear that Poles have forgotten everything and things go on as before.
Since the April 2001 US-China spy-plane crisis, when China demanded an apology and US President Bush refused to give one, the Bush administration has been alienating the Chinese.
That moment, I realized, was more than just a plane crash.
For example, in 1995 the Smithsonian Institution in Washington sought to take a fresh look at the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
Hijacking a plane sometimes costs little more than the price of a ticket.
Public opinion, as the crisis over the US spy plane demonstrated, now matters in China.
That is the strategy the military adopted in 1988, following the mysterious plane crash that killed former President (and General) Mohammed Zia ul-Haq.
I was aboard the last flight from Croatia before war exploded there, and although I had a regular plane ticket, I found myself at the end of the queue to get on a plane.
Stranded travelers, interviewed at airports, typically said that they would rather be stuck at an airport than in a plane falling out of the sky.
The leadership of the second East Turkestan Republic was presumably murdered on Stalin's orders, when the plane carrying it to Beijing for talks allegedly crashed in Soviet airspace.
In the first episode of A Touch of Sin, the local boss has become a private-plane-owning billionaire by stripping and selling all of his region's collective assets.
There is an old joke about two men who are trapped by a lion in the jungle after a plane crash.
More recently, Cristina's foreign minister presided over the requisitioning of a US military plane on Argentinean soil.
In November, 2008, a plane carrying Juan Camilo Mourino, Mexico's national security advisor, crashed under mysterious circumstances.
One representative was named to the Council because he defected with his MIG fighter plane 20 years ago.
Back then, the Kremlin first lied to the world by saying that it had nothing to do with the missing KAL plane.
Obama saluted in slow motion, in unison with four uniformed soldiers, then walked in step with them past the van that had just received the remains from the cargo plane that had brought them home.
I would feel very differently if, through an open door, I observed pilots who were frustrated at the poor responsiveness of the plane's controls, arguing about their next step, and getting no help whatsoever from the operator's manuals.
For weeks, the Russian government seemed to be dithering over the proper response to the plane crash, as if it were worried that the loss of life would be blamed on its decision to intervene in Syria's civil war.
It ended the career of Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov, Chief of the General Staff and a hardliner of the hardest sort, whose inconsistent and unconvincing efforts to justify the downing of the plane proved deeply embarrassing to the Kremlin.
The terrorist attacks on Western targets that he ordered include not only the Pan Am tragedy in Lockerbie, Scotland, but also a French UTA plane blown up over Africa.
What if the plane was not a 20-year-old, Russian-made Tupolev-154, but a newer and safer model?

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