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welding defect English

Synonyms welding defect synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as welding defect?

welding defect English » English

weld flaw weld defect

Examples welding defect examples

How do I use welding defect in a sentence?

Simple sentences

To be perfect she lacked just one defect.
If it were not for this defect, I should hire him at once.
Why have you not inquired about the cause of the defect?
You cannot defect to another country unless you can travel there.
One of Sherlock Holmes's defects-if, indeed, one may call it a defect-was that he was exceedingly loth to communicate his full plans to any other person until the instant of their fulfilment.
There must be a defect in the experimental method.
A quick temper is the only defect in her character.

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