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water-gage English

Synonyms water-gage synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as water-gage?

water-gage English » English

level-meter dipstick dipper stick dip rod

Examples water-gage examples

How do I use water-gage in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Find an empty bottle and fill it with water.
Waiter, please bring me some water.
Flowers and trees need clean air and fresh water.
There was no water in the well.
Fill the bucket with water.
Since I was thirsty, I drank water.
Bring me a glass of water, please.
This plant is dying for want of water.
This glass contains water.
Don't pour hot water into the glass or it will crack.
A goose is a water bird.
A frog came out of the water.
What happened? There's water all over the apartment.
Water freezes at zero degrees Celsius, doesn't it?
A sponge absorbs water.
Without air and water, nothing could live.
Air is to man what water is to fish.
Gold is far heavier than water.
Fish live in the water.
Fish cannot live out of water.
A fish leaped out of the water.
I think your theory does not hold water.
Oxygen from the air dissolves in water.
Both air and water are indispensable for life.
If it were not for air and water, we could not live.
This city will suffer from an acute water shortage unless it rains soon.

Movie subtitles

I won't let your hands touch water.
Drink water.
This is the biggest water clock in China.
Now, it's not really clear if the Egyptians, the babylonians or the Chinese invented the water clock.
During the time an examination lasted, the only movement allowed was the passage of servants, replenishing food and water supplies, or removing human waste.
Are you telling me that an entire village is wearing white and dunking themselves into water?!
After traveling for so long, the Mormons ran out of fresh water, and become sick. with dysentery.
They'll say you need an energy source, you need oxygen, you need water, you need carbon, you need organic compounds, you need amino acids, you need all this stuff.
At 1 49 million kilometres away, the Earth is at just the right place for water to exist as a liquid.
Imagine a world so much hotter than the Earth that there are no oceans, no liquid water at all on its surface.
Without water, there's nothing to let the grains of sand interact.
And in the same way, without water, there's nothing to allow the atoms - the carbon and oxygen and trace elements - to form the molecules that would give rise to the chemistry of life.
On the other hand, on a world much colder than the Earth, water can only exist as ice, and we have another problem.
But if temperatures and conditions are just right, like here on Earth, you get liquid water.
Tell him to drink a lot. Boiled water.
We now know it spreads through water. We'll find a cure.
We don't have much water.
Please bring me water.
They get to live in this castle while their factories are poisoning everyone's water.
I've had the water tested repeatedly, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.
Ms. Dekaan, about the water.
I mean, you get your big, beautiful building in the city and I get to go tell a farmer who's dying that I lied and I can't help him test his water 'cause some corporate bitch is blackmailing me into dropping the whole thing.
The stuff that Dekaan puts in that water isn't gonna show up on your average tests.
All right, tell me something. In your expert opinion, do you think there's something in the water?
We're gonna test the water.
There's some buckets and water there.
I had a water pump go out in Pagosa Springs.
I wonder if he's still fixing water pumps.
They water balloon bombed us on our own turf, just because we won't let them on our soccer field.
They kept him in a hideout, and brought him bottles of water, and all he did was drink and eat asparagus.
So we cut their water supply down to a trickle.
To the water fountain.
You don't need a permit to get water.
Water? Taking off our water supply just makes us thirstier for justice!
Got to get some water.
I'm going to get water.
I'll go see if the water's boiled.
I'll bring you water.
When we met, I was the water boy for my high school basketball team, and I got stuffed in a locker after practice.
Have you been drinking the water from the toilet?
Drink a glass of water.

News and current affairs

Meanwhile, the local population has remained impoverished and beset by diseases caused by unsafe air, poisoned drinking water, and pollution in the food chain.
Responding to water scarcity by re-using and treating wastewater, or through deep-well pumping and desalination, will increase fossil-fuel use.
The first was the Keynesian high-water mark of confidence in demand management of the 1960s.
Farmers were digging a pit in the riverbed, down to the water table approximately two meters below ground level.
Only when the annual rains begin in the summer does water reappear in the river bed.
Until then, water-starved communities dig for water, if they can find it and if they can afford to pump it out.
Failures of rainfall contribute not only to famines and chronic hunger, but also to the onset of violence when hungry people clash over scarce food and water.
When violence erupts in water-starved regions such as Darfur, Sudan, political leaders tend to view the problems in narrow political terms.
Better land-management practices (the re-planting of degraded forests, for example) can recharge underground water aquifers.
Today's mega-cities, for example, already have to confront dangerous heat waves, rising sea levels, more extreme storms, dire congestion, and air and water pollution.
None of it helps to address the underlying problems of poverty, child mortality, water scarcity, and lack of livelihoods in places like Pakistan's Northwest Frontier Province, Sudan's Darfur region, or Somalia.
If water can be managed through irrigation, this could be combined with multi-cropping (multiple harvests per year) to produce a crop during the dry season.
A lack of micronutrients and clean drinking water will claim two million lives each.
The Taliban are now an increasingly spent force, but lack of water reinforced the logic of opium production across its former strongholds in the south.
Increasingly burgeoning populations in countries like Nigeria and Ghana imply a greater extraction of water resources for power generation.
Rapid expansion of agricultural activity is requiring more and more water all across the continent.
We use less water and yield more crops per acre than any other country in the world.
America in the 1960's enacted programs to rebuild poor communities, to fight air and water pollution, and to ensure health care for the elderly.
Fresh water is one such area.
Across the Middle East, water is a security issue.
First, nations faced with conflicting claims to water have historically found ways to collaborate rather than to fight.
Even during the 60 years of conflict in the Jordan Valley, water has more often been a source of cooperation than of conflict.
Second, water scarcity is seldom absolute, and even less often an explanation of poverty.

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