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volumetric flow English

Synonyms volumetric flow synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as volumetric flow?

volumetric flow English » English

volume flow

Examples volumetric flow examples

How do I use volumetric flow in a sentence?

Simple sentences

There is a constant flow of traffic on this road.
Miracles do exist, but we just don't notice them in the flow of events.
The liquid flow submits the container to what we call tangential stress.
Fear drives him, he plucks up courage and throws himself into the roaring waves; his powerful arms cut through the flow, and his God feels pity.
In order to staunch the flow of blood, apply direct pressure to the wound.
The doctor was finally able to stanch the flow of blood.
I am your source of life, for my tears flow in your veins.
The sun creates the heliosphere by sending a constant flow of particles and a magnetic field out into space at over 670,000 miles per hour. This stream is called the solar wind.
Glaciers are frozen rivers. They flow like rivers, only much slower.
A bypass allows more blood to flow to the heart.
Many rivers flow into the sea.
They blocked the flow of water from the burst pipe.
An endless flow of tears fell from her eyes.
Noise is produced by the sudden flow of current into a solenoid.
Free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny.
A capacitor allows current to flow through empty space.
Superconductivity occurs when a metal loses all resistance to the flow of an electric current.
She has been with me through the ebb and flow of my fortunes.
We have a bit of a cash flow problem.
A simple multi-stage adjustment of the air flow is provided electronically.
Go with the flow.
Most rivers flow to the sea.
The number of bars quickly burgeoned as men and money started to flow into the town.
I'm going with the flow.

Movie subtitles

The water allows the sand grains to flow together and intermingle and form more complex structures.
And it's possible for water to flow there as a liquid.
Things can flow around, begin to form bonds.
You have extra blood flow, so your gums are super sensitive and bleed a lot.
The very walls come alive with the flow of the avalanches.
Let their blood flow in Berlin!
Let their blood flow!
Let their blood flow in Paris!
Let my blood flow with yours and all the others.
With a woman it's all in one flow like a stream. Little eddies and waterfalls, but the river, it goes right on.
About the spring snow melting not to flow down from dirty streets into basements.
From her heart has come an ever-increasing flow of virtue and moral blessing.
For us they have brought water to flow around our islands.
It's for the Wallace Flow-Rite pen.
This flow isn't worth a dime!
You'll be able to study the flow of the new line. as it responds to the ever-changing glow of the female form divine.
With a woman it's all in one flow like a stream.
Planes, guns, tanks and ships have begun to flow from our factories and yards.
The flow is accelerating from day to day.
You know, Jack, when a man gets to be. gets to be 60, the blood doesn't flow as fast any more.
Though I am dead, the grass will grow the sun will shine, the stream will flow.
Though I am dead, the grass will grow, the sun will shine, the stream will flow.
The plasma must flow at exactly that rate, no more, no less.
They swim upstream instead of going with the flow.
Flow gently, I sing thee a song in thy praise.
Dancing must flow gracefully and naturally from the spirit. as milk from a cow.
With a woman, it's all in one flow like a stream. Little eddies and waterfalls, but the river, it goes right on.
And in the cup shall flow.
Let it flow.
Perhaps, even you flow over with the nobility of relieving humanity's suffering.
So filth from the dung heap and the sewage pipe can not flow into it.
And at night if their bedrooms face the mill, they have to sleep with the shades down to close out the hot flow of the sawdust that comes from the incinerator lighting the sky.
These mighty waters, source of enormous energy, now flow via man-made canals to the huge new basin.
Her beautl'ful rivers still flow just as they did that fateful day.
Where does one go at this hour? Some of the fountains at which I drink flow ceaselessly.
I haven't sufficient flow of speech.

News and current affairs

At the same time, small farmers would receive a steady flow of income, which they could use for micro-investments to improve their household's wealth, education, and health.
We need to change the flow of information in the Internet age.
Opiates flow freely across borders into Iran, Pakistan, and other Central Asian countries.
These countries need to recognize that if the US and the UK do implement even modest reforms, a lot of capital will flow elsewhere, potentially overwhelming regulatory systems that seemed to work well until now.
The best imaginable deal between the US and Mexico, or the best imaginable US immigration reform, will not eliminate the flow of undocumented migrants from Mexico and South America overnight.
Without this confidence, credit will not flow and economic activity will be constrained.
But factors beyond taxes and benefits also contribute to low employment rates in all the three major euro-zone economies: high minimum wages and some features of employment protection legislation slow down the flow of workers through the job market.
Again, a great deal of attention has been lavished on the ebbs and flow of fiscal and monetary policy.
By imposing a stiff tax on energy consumption, Europeans would reduce both consumption of energy and its price in world markets, in turn cutting the flow of funds to Russia and Iran.
Since the terrorist attacks of September 2001, entry visas are fewer and more difficult to obtain, stanching the flow of young talent into US universities.
Although it had oil revenue, the flow of dollars into an economy, by itself, does not boost prosperity as much as one might think.
This is where the real test of cooperation lies, for our success will rely on securing the appropriate interaction and flow of intelligence between the relevant services and the financial and banking communities.
Whatever tax-law changes the US Congress approves this summer are unlikely to have big effects on the flow of purchasing power to households until April, 2004.
On the contrary, the shadow is lengthening with each passing day, owing to the absence of effective policies to get the flow of economy-wide nominal spending back on its previous track.
Opening up markets to the free flow of capital, not the dictatorship of the proletariat, has rendered state power obsolete.
True, low interest rates, together with a second round of quantitative easing, are causing considerable global distortions, as funds flow into fast-growing emerging markets, fueling inflationary pressure and asset bubbles.
Moreover, growth under Chavez seems to reflect an increase in domestic consumption resulting from the flow of petrodollars and nothing more fundamental, as oil remains the economy's only real engine.
In this, paradoxically, they have become like the outraged US government officials who are now threatening Assange, and who also are no longer able to control the flow of information.
The G-7 action plan aims to restore the flow of credit by securing interbank lending, and coordinated central bank actions have provided unprecedented levels of liquidity to the market.

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