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vibrating wedge

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People also believe that tax increases cannot realistically be purely temporary expedients in an economic crisis, and that they must be regarded as an opening wedge that should be avoided at all costs.
Beijing hosted a secret visit by Kim Jong Il at the end of May, perhaps to talk him into hosting the summit as a wedge to replace Washington as the major player on the peninsula.
But a Syrian-Israeli peace would drive a wedge between Syria and Iran, thereby cutting off Hezbollah's lines of arms supply while allowing the vital task of stabilizing Lebanon to succeed.
Xi seized the opportunity to drive a wedge between America's two main Asian allies, and built a memorial to Ahn.
The lawyer's movement, it seems, drove a historic wedge between the judiciary and the executive.
The Israeli-American strategy of driving a wedge between Gaza and the West Bank while shunning negotiations on a peace settlement that could give Abbas the ultimate tool to undermine Hamas is a policy at war with itself.
Financial interests opposed it vigorously at the time, viewing it as the thin end of a dangerous wedge, though they could not have guessed just how thick that wedge would eventually become.
With America's workers producing more in less time, it is no wonder that a wedge is being driven between the (good) output news and the (bad) employment news.
Luzhkov, after all, had been vocally critical of Medvedev, while praising Putin - allegedly an attempt to drive a wedge between the two.
These policies should aim at reducing or eliminating the wedge between activities that are good for individuals, banks, and firms, and those that benefit society as a whole.
In both cases - financial stability and cyber security - the risk of contagion creates a situation in which a wedge can form between private incentives and social risks.
But there is a risk that these interventions are the thin end of a dangerous wedge.
Holes in the social safety net have led to high and rising levels of precautionary saving - driving a wedge between increases in labor income and any impetus to discretionary purchasing power.
And, as fragilities increase - and as a financial wedge is driven into the eurozone's core (Germany and France) - growth and employment prospects dim.
The reforms endorsed by the Third Plenum focus on this wedge between income and consumption, offering specific proposals aimed at altering the behavior of fear-driven Chinese families.
Finally, following Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014, which drove a wedge between the Kremlin and the West, Turkey had carved out a strategically advantageous position between the two sides.
But, with this exchange of visits, a wedge has been opened for dialogue on more neutral ground.