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vesicouterine pouch English

Synonyms vesicouterine pouch synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as vesicouterine pouch?

vesicouterine pouch English » English

vesicouterine excavation

Examples vesicouterine pouch examples

How do I use vesicouterine pouch in a sentence?

Simple sentences

A female kangaroo carries its young in the pouch.

Movie subtitles

She takes the pouch, which contains valuable intelligence, to the Estonian headquarters.
Whole pouch full.
They even gave me a tobacco pouch.
On the mantelpiece is my tobacco pouch. Will you get it?
The way you lied about that pouch wouldn't have deceived a 6-year-old.
Find out who owns that tobacco pouch yet?
I told you, I don't know who owns that pouch. and I don't know who shot at you.
Tala saw him do it, and that pouch is his.
Let's see your pouch.
I hardly expected to come across Dan's nugget in the Kid's pouch. but I wasn't going to overlook anything.
There is only one man in Spain who could humble a king and yet give a leper his pouch.
PFC Kaji's got a bit of paradise left in his pouch.
By the way, that came for you from London, in the diplomatic pouch.
Maybe they brought you your tobacco pouch.
The tobacco pouch is empty.
Whole pouch full. -Good. -Duck down, you.
There is only one man in Spain who could humble a king. and would give a leper to drink from his own pouch.
In Kaji's pouch. there remains a bit of paradise!
That came for you from London in the plane, in the diplomatic pouch.
Do you think he'd like a new snakeskin tobacco pouch?
And for jumping. a bit of lint. from the pouch of a kangaroo.
Somebody has removed the pouch.
A small leather pouch.
Did you see a little pouch?
What's so important about the pouch?
You know very well what we had in the pouch.
And maybe you saw our pouch in the crate?
On the mantelpiece is my tobacco pouch.
Nah, there's no pouch trail.
Give me the leather pouch.
I'll give you the leather pouch!
You give me the leather pouch first.
There are some tablets in the pouch of my belt.
Oh have you kids seen my tobacco pouch?
Pour some in your hand. and leave the pouch there.
Did you bring my tobacco pouch?
That pouch was a present.
Dr. Lappe, anything in the early pouch for me?
This was in the pouch from New York Center.
Anything in the early pouch?

News and current affairs

One clutched a pouch of blood and the other held my daughter's medical dossier.

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