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usc English

Examples usc examples

How do I use usc in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

What? USC is downtown.
He was doing premed at USC and working nights as an usher in a theater downtown.
I teach library science at USC.
I Left My Knee At USC.
There was me. Dwight. Ziegler. all the USC mafia.
I go to USC. I major in sociology.
She's recuperating from a fall she took from a bicycle near USC.
I'm from USC.
So you go to USC, huh?
Richard's teaching holistic medicine at the Maxwell Institute, and he's finishing up his doctorate at USC.
I promised her I'll take her to a poetry reading at USC. and I don't wanna be late.
You've done a lot since USC.
It clearly does not meet the requirements of 18 USC 34.
The coach from USC will be at the championship.
He was doing premed at USC. and working nights as an usher in a theater downtown.
Well, now, I would say, er. prior to my exposure as a student counsellor, USC, three years.
Ziegler. all the USC mafia.
I go to USC.
Tell me that? Maybe he's coming from a physics lab at USC.
From USC.
You've been lecturing at USC without telling me?
I know how important the teaching position at USC is to Donald.
They are giving me my masters degree early so I can start on my doctorate at USC.
Read 'em and weep, creep. USC, Colorado State, Duke and Columbia.
I thought you got that football scholarship to USC.
I'm just saying. - What? USC is downtown.
Fight on for USC.
You're not going back to USC, huh? -No.
Pepper used to be captain of the USC swim team.
Call Dr. Von Pettit and USC, okay?
In the meantime, I missed Elizabeth Wurtzel speaking at USC. - And the Goldfrapp concert.
Then I took a class at USC in ceramics.
I graduated USC, summa.
You didn't want to stray too far to go to College so you went to USC.
Physics professor Clifford Johnson of USC. is an avid bike rider. Circling a track, he considers trying to cover. the same 186,000 miles that light does in one second.
Neurology fellowship at USC?