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upsetter machine English

Synonyms upsetter machine synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as upsetter machine?

upsetter machine English » English

upsetting machine

Examples upsetter machine examples

How do I use upsetter machine in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The machine takes a lot of room.
This machine is now out of date.
I bought a new sewing machine.
Any teacher that can be replaced by a machine should be.
If you throw your jeans in the washing machine, I'll wash them for you.
I'm fixing the washing machine.
Is there a washing machine in her house?
Did you take the clothes out of the washing machine?
Who broke the coffee machine?
Where is my time machine?
My grandmother used to use her sewing machine a lot when she was younger.
My washing machine broke.
Machine translations are not always precise.
The brain is just a complicated machine.
Someday I will buy a cotton candy machine.
Someday I'll buy a cotton candy machine.
Press this button to start the machine.
I got the machine running.
A family should not spend all of its money to keep someone alive on a machine.
Each robot is equipped with a talking machine.
We will set up a notice in front of the machine for safety's sake.
OK. I'll send it out as soon as a machine is available.
What a wonderful machine!
He managed to run the machine.
If the machine is damaged, you are responsible.
Eventually the salesman persuaded me to buy the expensive machine.
Imagine that you have a time machine.
The washing machine is out of order.
The manufacturer guaranteed the new machine for 5 years.
The new machine will take a lot of room.
The new machine will be in use.
The expensive machine turned out to be of no use.

Movie subtitles

Don't tell me, with only one machine.
Zero! Return that unit! That machine is the property of our military.
Portable machine's in use.
MACHINE BEEPS Rays in three.
MACHINE BEEPS I need to unstrap.
That giant espresso machine from Italy, Rie put that together herself.
Got a Jade freestanding range over here, the Belle Epoque, brass and copper espresso machine we had specially shipped in from Italy.
It's a time machine.
Put your talking machine on silent!
Like, I could literally go to any machine in this whole place and win in, like, two pulls.
There was this guy at my machine.
We enter the interior of the workshop where smiths, mechanics, weighers, carpenters, upholsterers, et cetera are working hard at the completion of the machine.
I am myself a machine!
No, no, not them, okay? There was this guy at my machine.
Not being a machine in the first place, I should be safe. I doubt whatever they have can take root in a cell that can change at will.
Why don't you two mugs get an adding machine?
Better than hiding behind a machine gun.
They got machine guns you can carry.
The city is full of machine guns.
They can't stop machine guns from being run across the state lines.
I got a couple of machine guns in my suitcase.
I control enough of the political machine to carry some weight in a crisis.
Should it become unavoidable, I think I have weapons. that are far more powerful than any political machine.
The machine won't run without water!
Last time after you played that slot machine it was full of telephone slugs.
Pete, get on your machine and stop truck number 7.
Or am I a machine just like those poor robots?
A machine created to ruin the world.
I cut my hand on the machine.
You will return tonight with soldiers. and machine guns.
But we were wrong. Cocktails incite the human machine.
Never seen a sewing machine before?
Me, never seen a sewing machine?
I got machine guns in my suitcase.

News and current affairs

Of course, transformation of the presidential administration into a public relations machine began under Yeltsin when Anatoli Chubais directed the 1996 election campaign.
Think of Charlie Chaplin's film Modern Times, in which the little tramp is literally a cog in the capitalist machine.
Josef Goebbels' Nazi propaganda machine was fully deployed.
Yet there are signs that the EU machine has so far been coping rather well without the constitution.
Most people are practical enough to see that when, say, they have to go to the hospital for tests, what matters is whether the right kind of diagnostic machine is there for them, not whether there is a better machine for others somewhere else.
The washing machine liberated women from spending endless hours carrying water and beating clothing on scrub boards.
It is not a machine that goes on of its own accord, but is instead something that must be lived and worked for by Europeans.
It would obviously be attractive for Europe to get the extra benefit of massive job creation and for the US to enjoy stronger productivity in addition to its mammoth jobs machine.
Only by embracing their shared values can Europeans prevent their Union from becoming a spiritless machine.
Viewed through the lens of history, the main job of US presidents is to be mature and wise enough to stand up to the permanent war machine.
Only a few structural changes are needed to get Japan's growth machine working again.
So far, the answer has been to borrow, leading to today's massive debt overhangs in advanced economies. Obviously, this is unsustainable, and thus is no answer at all, for it implies periodic collapse of the wealth-producing machine.
Moreover, there is no way that Krugman could have identified this drought as being caused by global warming without a time machine: climate models estimate that such detection will be possible by 2048, at the earliest.
It also created a more buoyant market for the securities of Freddie and Fannie, feeding the originate-and-distribute machine.
China - long the engine of the all-powerful Asian growth machine - typifies Asia's potential vulnerability to such shocks from the developed economies.
The very name - the first machine age was the Industrial Revolution - suggests an epochal shift.
If these are indeed the first signs of the second machine age, it is possible that we have been fighting the wrong battle.
In the 1970s and 1980s, Japan was the envy of the world, owing to an all-powerful export machine that tapped the demand of a rapidly growing global economy.
The EU initially invested heavily in the development of machine translation, but has essentially abandoned the project.
Even if the PNC were to convert itself overnight into the world's most effective crime-fighting machine, it would still be unlikely to have a significant immediate impact.
His challenger, former President Hosni Mubarak's last prime minister, Ahmed Shafiq, had no chance of winning a clean vote, despite the support of a huge state-controlled propaganda machine and various tycoons.
You can, however, succeed in tickling yourself through an intermediary - a machine, for instance, that translates the movements of your fingers into sensations on the skin by a method indirect enough for the cerebellum to be unable to anticipate them.
German workers who make high-end machine tools are proud of their craft, and they don't want to be told that the same work can be done for much less in Poland and Slovakia.
Indeed, chess programs now come very close to passing the late British mathematician Alan Turing's ultimate test of artificial intelligence: can a human conversing with the machine tell it is not human?
Only a machine can consistently tell what another computer would do in a given position.
Perhaps if Turing were alive today, he would define artificial intelligence as the inability of a computer to tell whether another machine is human!
With an ever-larger military machine backed by village-level militias, civil society has been the main loser.
In one stroke, Obama gets control of the Clinton political machine: the network, the donors, and the constituency.

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