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undetectable level

Examples undetectable level examples

How do I use undetectable level in a sentence?

Simple sentences

During the last Ice Age, so much water was trapped in icy glaciers that the sea level dropped by as much as 120 meters.
The sea level is rising.
I don't want to stoop to his level.
I won't lower myself to his level.
I won't stoop to his level.
I won't stoop down to his level.
It's the sort of work that calls for a high level of concentration.
That's one level down.
A bulldozer was used to level the lane.
The manner in which the new salesman made top sales level was an eye-opener to his supervisor.
The mountain is more than 3,000 meters above sea level.
The mountain is about 3000 meters above sea level.
The town is situated 1,500 meters above sea level.
The mountain is 2000 meters above sea level.
The top of this tree is level with the fence.
This city is 1,600 meters above sea level.
On the political level the response was the nationalist and fundamentalist revolt of the Maccabees.
Medicaid, a program originally created to provide medical care for poverty-level women and children, today spends almost a third of its budget on elderly people.
For example, I am in a high-level math class that actually gives me college credits for next year.
It is important to maintain your body temperature at a suitable level.
I agree on an emotional level, but on the pragmatic level I disagree.

Movie subtitles

Risk: Level Four.
I think there may be some connection with the top level.
When you end up at the worst level of hell, as your spirit is destroyed, memories of people cannot survive.
You're already manipulating men at a third grade level.
The perimeter has been breached, we need backup at sub-level 6!
The drought goes on and the water cistern sinks to an alarming level.
Wittkopp from Level Seven.
If it hadn't been for you, we might have been on the level.
On the level, I'm not. Quit your kidding.
I even tried to sink myself to the level of the savage.
No empty shells were found in the street nor on the sidewalk, and the bullet's trajectory indicates the shot was not fired from a window but rather from a point almost level with the victim's head.
And listen, Ann, I'm on the level.
Is this on the level? - It's real enough.
The wires were on the level.
What it means is that there's information which is beyond even our grasp, reaching as high as clearance level eight.
Do you understand what that level of treachery shows?
It will take some time, but if all humans start over from this level of purity, the world changes for the better.
There's no way this novice could endure that level of overwhelming loneliness.
Oh, well, maybe she will find someone who is nearer her own level.
On the level, I will.
If that's on the level, there goes my assistant cashier's job.
On the level, I'm not.
Is this stuff on the level, or are you just making it up as you go along?
But interestingly, you don't hear her going anywhere near that level in her many other fine characterisations through the decades.
But, on a somewhat less spectacular level, in 1937 producer Hal Roach made his first of three Topper features.
Their intelligence information level is really high. No, only a few people knew about that place.
That robot was prohibited from any activity at surface level.
This level is still not that dangerous but depending on the location there are areas without police, so be careful.
Start at Level 3.
Level 3 radiation complete.
No, I'm on the level.
I wouldn't care if she was on the level.
Everything's on the level.
I'm on the level.
And I can tell that you're on the level.
And I can see that you're on the level.
I haven't been on the level with you, Nick.

News and current affairs

The dilemma facing US policymakers is how to stimulate growth while lowering the level of total debt.
Many structural improvement programs have been financed at the European level, but agricultural production and land use are not among them.
The WHO's efforts to encourage broad reforms at the international level are crucial.
This spring, the WHO released a report that recommends solutions similar to those proposed in the US Senate bill, but on a global level.
And this year's elections saw a more intensive presence of party organizations at European level than ever before.
All these data are at an aggregate level and reflect average views among voters and investors.
Although it is true that thousands of the civilians killed in Dresden and other German cities were innocent at an individual level, there can be no doubt it was morally imperative that Germany be defeated collectively.
The Fed's judgment appeared to be that it was largely (if not completely) powerless: it had done all that it could, and the levers of monetary policy were no longer strongly connected to determining the level of economic activity.
Lacking such external threats, the ties between, say, Czechs and Slovaks (to say nothing of Serbs and Croats!) are too weak to warrant a common national level of government.
Salaries are being slashed and public employees sacked to reduce new borrowing to a tolerable level.
High-level collusion enables thousands of tons of chemical precursors, needed to produce heroin, to be trucked into the country.
At the top international level, soccer has become faster and more athletic, and the top teams can shrink space on the field more effectively.
But, beyond this well-trodden battlefield, something amazing has happened: Carbon-dioxide emissions in the United States have dropped to their lowest level in 20 years.
Farmers were digging a pit in the riverbed, down to the water table approximately two meters below ground level.
Given national supervisors' predictable tendency not to recognize problems at home, it seemed natural that the cost of cleaning up insolvent banks should also be borne at the national level.
Problems might originate at the national level, but, owing to monetary union, they quickly threaten the stability of the entire eurozone banking system.
Indeed, much economic research has demonstrated a powerful relationship between the level of trust in a community and its aggregate economic performance.
In fact, there is a large body of literature that indicates that even countries in the aftermath of internal conflict can reach a higher level of compliance with these standards.
The International Civil Aviation Authority has announced that it will convene a group of experts to help it provide guidance for the industry to decide what level of ash in the atmosphere makes it unsafe to fly.
But small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) - the majority of firms in both Latin America and Europe - find it difficult to trade and invest at international level, in part because of high transaction and information costs.