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unbeaten stock

Examples unbeaten stock examples

How do I use unbeaten stock in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I'm sorry, but we're out of stock.
Stock prices soared in active trading as corporations announced good financial results.
The stock market tumbled.
The stock market was surprisingly quiet today.
The stock price index was off 200 points yesterday.
The stock price index soared to an all-time high.
The price of the stock declined by half in a month.
Stock prices plunged to a record low.
There was a rapid decline in stock prices.
Stock prices dropped.
We're out of stock now.
Sorry, the book is out of stock.
That article is out of stock.
I regret to say that the product you have asked for is currently out of stock.
I'm afraid we are out of stock.
The stock market is in a prolonged slump.
The stock market is severely depressed.
We have a stock of toilet paper.
The store has a large stock of wines.
I'm sorry, but they're out of stock.
During the Depression in the 1930's, many wealthy people lost everything in the stock market crash.
An inexperienced stock speculator could easily let his business go to pot and lose his entire fortune.
The company's stock price jumped yesterday.
Our stock of oil is running out.
The Tokyo Stock Exchange rallied at the end of the day.

Movie subtitles

Until when are you thinking of making a laughing stock out of me?
Chicken stock, egg yolks, and lemon juice.
The end sequence was copied from outtakes at the Munich Film Museum, of 16 mm black and white stock.
When the stock falls, we get the market.
We discussed a stock market trade that would soon make me rich.
Got some swell routes laid out for you, and the stock's all marked.
That very desirable corn and stock-rearing and parklike residential land known as the, uh, centry, deepwater.
Wish I knew who it was that's trying to buy up our stock.
Now, Carlotta, your stock must bring you in a little something.
What do you think about me selling my Jordan stock?
The Jordan stock has never really been on the market.
No. I remember because it's the only stock I ever paid for myself.
I'll buy up that Jordan stock through dummies.
It was such a chance, and I sold my Jordan stock.
Making a stock.
You could make a handsome profit on your stock.
There's one way you can get it, option your stock to us and resign.
If we close, our stock won't be worth a nickel.
A 30-day option on 10,000 shares of stock in this company, now registered in the name of Thomas A. Dickson.
I wish I were in a position to ignore the whole matter, but you know, madame, the stock market, a bank crash.
I shall announce this evening that the whole thing's a hoax, and you'll be the laughing stock of the entire country.
I thank Almighty God. who caused me to be born of a royal stock. and raised me to be a queen of so large and mighty a kingdom.
We could start a two-people stock company.
You have them in stock?
Come on, stock up.
He was arrested six years ago for a stock fraud.
Chicken stock, egg yolks and lemon juice.
The day starts late, but gloriously in the home of Prof. Josef Stock.
Prof. Stock.
My dear Mrs. Stock.
Mizzi Stock.
After the stock falls, we will buy at a low price.
Once the rumour is denied, the stock will go back up.
Because you robbed and murdered Lia Leid in order to invest in the stock market.
I've lost all at the stock market and now I am in debt.
Today, my father lost all he had in the Stock Market.
We discussed a stock market trade, that would soon make me rich.

News and current affairs

One successful gold investor recently explained to me that stock prices languished for a more than a decade before the Dow Jones index crossed the 1,000 mark in the early 1980's.
That fall in confidence affected banks, the stock market, and the government and its regulators.
This has been positive for the stock market.
The state of economic knowledge was just as bad in the Great Depression that followed the 1929 stock market crash.
In the 1920's, some warned about an overpriced stock market, but they did not predict a decade-long depression affecting the entire economy.
When American wealth seemed to be growing year after year as the stock market boomed, this was understandable; individual Americans were becoming richer without savings, so why bother?
While a weak dollar may be good for exports, a falling dollar will be accompanied by stock market losses and greater declines in confidence.
Europe's stock markets will begin to look like an attractive alternative.
A NATO summit, during which all members would take stock of the situation and draw the appropriate conclusions, is therefore long overdue.
President Nicolas Sarkozy should be applauded for supporting a new initiative promoting strict transparency standards for petroleum, gas, and mining companies listed on European stock exchanges.
If European regulators can agree on this requirement for all extractive-industry companies listed on their stock exchanges, this transparency norm will be applied to companies regardless of where their headquarters are located.
When it occasionally does, even for a short interval - as UN Resolution 1701 for cessation of hostilities in Lebanon seems to be holding - it is time to take stock of events in the hopes that a responsible debate may influence those in power.
More importantly, they provide a refuge for fish populations, a kind of insurance policy against stock collapse.
NAIROBI - With unemployment soaring, bankruptcies climbing, and stock markets in free-fall, it may at first glance seem sensible to ditch the fight against climate change and put environmental investments on hold.
Today's capital markets raise money for governments, corporate clients, and individual customers, manage pension funds' investments, and bet on the level of interest rates or the stock market.
For some analysts, the emergence of countries like Brazil as economic powerhouses stems partly from successful demutualization of their stock exchanges.
With the larger part of the outstanding stock in friendly hands, and institutional bondholders pressed to liquidate their positions in the midst of the post-Lehman Brothers selloff, the operation was a success.
If the threshold spread is set reasonably high in order to achieve a significant discount, the stock of debt retired by the buyback would be marginal.
Interest rates high enough to curb stock market speculation would also have curbed construction and other forms of investment, raised unemployment, and sent the economy into recession.
All in all, Greenspan served the United States and the world well through his stewardship of monetary policy, especially by what he did not do: trying to stop stock and housing speculation by halting the economy in its tracks.
Like everywhere else in the developed world, the global crisis has hit the French economy hard, with output stagnating, unemployment rising, job insecurity mounting, government debt soaring, and the stock market at risk of crashing.
As a result, its stock market is frothy, and it is experiencing an alarming property boom.
It is no surprise that stock markets liked the results of the stress tests that US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner administered to America's big banks, for the general outcome had been leaked weeks before.