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Examples tryskový motor examples

How do I use tryskový motor in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Figure seven shows all the parts of the motor.
The motor started to run.
There is nothing the matter with the motor.
The motor does not function properly.
The airplane used a rocket motor to assist with takeoff.
Then the motor suddenly died.
This machine is driven by a small electric motor.
This machine is driven by a small motor.
By installing two carburetors that racing-car enthusiast souped up his motor considerably.
He left the motor running.
The motor is not running well.
He couldn't start the motor.
I'll keep the motor running.
Tom is a member of a motor enthusiasts' club.
Who buys tickets to ride in their own motor car?
The motor overheats.
That motor doesn't have enough power.
The motor died before we got to the top of the hill.
I gave him a ride on my hairy motor-scooter.
Tom switched off the motor.
Tom stole a motor scooter.

Movie subtitles

Any tips on removing motor oil from a polyester suit?
It tastes like motor oil.
We were in a motor car, 100 miles an hour, in an airplane.
Throw away a part of the motor.
If you're looking for the part of your motor you threw away you'll find it on top of the piano.
I'm a motor mechanic looking for a job.
He's just racing his motor.
I'm a motor engineer.
Stop your motor, buddy.
He was killed in a motor accident in Italy.
We used the last on the other motor.
It's gonna be good to look into a motor again.
Keep the motor running.
I heard the motor running.
Hey, Joe, blip your motor.
Why do you think that new motor is still at the dock?
Over the top in the new tri-motor.
Doesn't that starboard motor sound funny to you?
I heard the motor.
Died 1918 in a motor accident with their son.
Keep your motor running.
If two people wanted to go on honeymoon, they could take the boat to New Orleans. and motor right up through the South to our home.
Would you like to motor through the chateau country?
We've had her up to 46 and, boy, she hums like an airplane motor.
What'll your business be? - I'm a motor mechanic looking for a job. - You'll find no work here.
May I suggest for your own good. that we motor on till we come to another hotel?
And then I saw him lying there drunk. I heard the motor running.
And I saw the doors. I heard the motor.
Keep the motor hot.
My plane isn't big enough to handle the job so if you wanna chip in a couple of hundred bucks apiece I'll swap my plane in for a secondhand twin-motor job and.
But no dame ever said anything as sweet as this motor will sound when she gets rolling.
Someone must have left the motor running.
When we drove into the garage, he just sat there with his head on the steering wheel. and the motor still running.

News and current affairs

Moreover, the CAP's role as a motor of political and social integration in Europe could be restored once renewed policies are in place.
Emulation through excellence is the motor of competitiveness.
It rejects Klaus's truncated democracy, and, although it supports (to some extent) Havel's vision, Havel himself is no longer the motor of civil society in action.
Our challenge, therefore, is to boost the benefits and reduce (and eventually eliminate) the harm done by our cars, so that the future of motor travel is clean, efficient, safe, and accessible to all.
Economic interests are supplanting ideology as the motor of politics, and money serves as the key instrument in elections.
Schools, motor vehicle bureaus, adoption agencies, mortgage lenders, organ transplant registries all have a stake in information about genetic predispositions.
The UN simply cannot solve Kosovo's structural problems, namely the need to develop a viable economy and to begin engagement with the EU - the most powerful motor for reform and economic development in the region.
It is perceived as a motor of economic growth, but also as a threat to our security and beliefs.
What strikes me as dangerous is that the issue of peace - the motor that has driven European integration from the start - rarely comes up in the debate about what to do in the wake of these events.
But because Britain remains lukewarm on European integration, the threesome can never serve as the motor for moving Europe forward.
On the recently built road from Delhi to Agra to facilitate the flow of tourists to the Taj Mahal, there must be at least 200 pedestrians and bicyclists for each motor vehicle.
Politicians expect research to function as a motor of economic growth.
Most Chinese doctors and patients have, for example, long regarded acupuncture as an effective treatment for stroke, using it to improve motor, speech, and other functions that have been destroyed.
Acupuncture was found to have no additional effect on motor recovery, but a small positive effect on disability, which may be due to a true placebo effect, or to the varied quality of the trials.
Allowing the renminbi to appreciate as a way of encouraging imports may also discourage exports, the traditional motor of Chinese growth.
Discretionary consumption is typically deferred during recessions, especially for long-lasting durable goods such as motor vehicles, furniture, and appliances.
China is replacing the American consumer as the motor of the world economy. Since it is a smaller motor, the world economy will grow slower, but China's influence will rise very fast.
To achieve that, the country must promote itself as a motor of serious European reform, without neglecting the debate on the member states' role in the EU's economic choices.
He is widely credited for setting the country's agenda, and for being the motor behind the liberal economic reforms that since 2004 have meant a qualitative leap in the Egyptian economy.
By connecting a small generator and rechargeable battery to the braking system of a standard car, the hybrid augments the normal engine with a battery-powered motor.
The member states' political authority remains the motor of European policymaking, with all that this implies in terms of coordination, compromise, and negotiation.
Even without stimulation, mere recording devices such as brain-controlled motor prostheses may alter the patient's personality.
So far, Germany has always been the motor of European integration, in accordance with its political and economic interests.
While the Prius is a normal ICE automobile with a small motor, the Volt will be an electric vehicle with an engine alongside.

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