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transactional message

Examples transactional message examples

How do I use transactional message in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I carried the message to him.
If she should come late, give her this message.
Can I leave a message, please?
I've been asked to give you a message.
I sent a message to you.
She sent me a message.
Tom sent his last text message just three minutes before the crash.
I think you sent that message to the wrong person.
I have a message for you from her.
Would you like to leave a message?
Will you leave a message?
Read the message once more.
I can not get the message through to her.
Can I take a message?
This message doesn't make sense.
The lecturer couldn't get his message across to the audience.
Here is our answer to your fax message dated April 1st.
May I take a message?
Please forward this message along with the seminar information to the appropriate managers in your firm.
Mother left me a message.
There is an urgent message for you.