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topcoat paint English

Synonyms topcoat paint synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as topcoat paint?

Examples topcoat paint examples

How do I use topcoat paint in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The paint is peeling off the weather-beaten wall.
What I want him to do now is to paint the fence.
There is no paint.
The painters paint.
I was assigned to paint an office in our company.
I need someone to help me paint my house.
The paint on the seat on which you are sitting is still wet.
The landlord won't permit him to paint the door red.
If I were you, I would paint it blue.
Gotta paint it.
We'll paint it.
The paint hasn't dried yet.
The paint is off.
This paint comes off easily.
I didn't need to paint the fence.
Fred had his little brother paint the fence.
Why did you paint the bench red?

Movie subtitles

You use a pencil, not a paint brush.
You'll watch paint dry all night if she asks you to.
And I'd paint the shingles any color you like.
When she gets her paint on, hears the music, she'll be fine.
Married to a Manchester girl, pretty as paint, the only thing in the world I care about.
Why not paint the top of the wall?
To a great big house in Washington, all done up in white paint.
Is it true that all the ladies paint their toenails?
I want to sing, paint. - Barns?
Tonight I paint, and I will need a model.
Gabrielle, tell me, what on earth made you paint in that strange manner?
I do not want to paint fat?
You must paint it.
Sometimes I'm tempted to give in and paint for.
I think you should paint me into this one.
How else are you supposed to paint me as Venus?
I paint.
You I'd love to paint.
Your hand, Signorina, is not as steady as your voice, if you want to paint.
I commission you to paint a portrait of me immediately.
I paint when I find the time.
Smart as paint, you are.
There's 2,000 or 3,000 Sioux Indians cayoodlin' around Fort Piney with war paint on.
Tell 'em there's Injuns here with war paint on.
Dude, watch the paint job.
I want to paint you.
I can't paint you unless I can see you.
I'm not trying to change you, I'm trying to paint you.
Who said so? You think I could fall for that paint sling and high hat with his cockeyed idea of hope and stars?
Great place to paint.
That's what I want to paint.
I hired her to be my model and I'm gonna paint her.
No, you're not going to paint her.
You can paint. I can work.
You let me paint against your will because I loved it.
And maybe the same thing that made me want to paint makes me love this girl.
And I'll paint you on top of some mesa against the desert sunset.
I said get rid of them, not paint more. Oh. one picture.

News and current affairs

Though his memoirs paint a characteristic portrait of a leader who knew what he was doing, research for my new biography shows that his policy towards the crisis across the Mediterranean combined hope and frustration.
Moreover, although it may seem almost comically straightforward, one of the best temperature-reducing approaches is very simple: paint things white.
Other indicators, however, paint a different picture.
What motivates people to write poems, paint, or sing?
To paint the extremes, there are two possibilities.
The authorities like to paint themselves as the victims of a powerful giant set on smothering a nation and its united people, but such a victim's face cannot be found when you look closely.
We shall soon see whether there is substance to the initiative, or whether it is just a coat of fresh paint on an old and tired idea.
These numbers seem to paint a comforting picture of an increasingly autonomous Asia that can better withstand the blows from the West's recurring crises.
China has also gained a reputation for food and drug contamination (not to mention lead paint in toys and poisonous toothpaste).
Even when football doesn't lead to actual bloodshed, it inspires strong emotions - primitive and tribal - evoking the days when warriors donned facial paint and jumped up and down in war dances, hollering like apes.
Le Pen might try to paint herself as a modern Charles de Gaulle, leading the resistance against the establishment.
Or, as so often happens in a racist society, one can paint the women who care for the elite's children out of the picture altogether.

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