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tone decoder

Examples tone decoder examples

How do I use tone decoder in a sentence?

Simple sentences

His stern tone and loud voice belied his inner sensitivity and caring nature.
You don't have to use such a harsh tone with me.
Subtle differences in tone discriminate the original from the copy.
He doesn't realise that he's tone deaf.
Profound ignorance is what is behind a dogmatic tone.
That's the wrong tone to adopt with me.
I don't like your patronising tone.
Tom ought not to have spoken to his teacher in that tone of voice.
The article's tone was one of pessimism.
The piano has a good tone.
I don't want to sing, because I'm tone-deaf.
Tone of voice can indicate feelings.
Tone of voice can indicate anger and irony.
I'm tone-deaf.
I'm tone deaf.
How dare you speak to me in that tone of voice!
Don't take that tone of voice with me.
The boss spoke in a condescending tone when addressing the female staff members.

News and current affairs

The problem for American conservatives is not their choice of candidates or the tone of their rhetoric.
The sharp tone and fierce partisanship of the past 13 years have been cast aside.
Indeed, the emperor's overseas visits remain deeply political, setting the tone - if not the agenda - for Japan's foreign policy.
Obviously, the Chinese were politically tone-deaf in choosing an architect whose name carried such dark historical connotations.
Family members might share many physical features, such as height, skin tone, or hair color.
As a professor, I find that my students often ask me for career advice with a different tone than in the past.
Why this sharp change in tone?
The tone set by Murdoch, however, suggests that a consensus on sustainable, inclusive growth will be hard to achieve.
Indeed, Chirac's tone and tactics conform to textbook Gaullist patterns.
There is a marked difference in tone here from debates in much of the Western world.
The US can and should make clear to Iran that it is eager to put aside 30 years of mutual mistrust and hostility and establish a new tone and context for the relationship.
Much of this new tone in Malaysia's ethnic politics has gone unnoticed due to the furor surrounding Mahathir's efforts to discredit his former deputy, Anwar Ibrahim.
A lifetime of social reinforcement based on their genetically given looks may have encoded into their voice patterns a tone of confidence that could be projected over the phone.
Mikulas Dzurinda, whose reforms provided the country with growth and economic stability, was replaced by Robert Fico, a leftist who, having forged an alliance with Meciar and a neo-fascist party, has also adopted a worrisomely populist tone.
His tone and message had changed.
Both the tone and the content of the China-US relationship are a cause for concern.
After Obama took office, he sought to introduce a gentler, subtler tone.
Rouhani has been largely successful in putting his predecessor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's tone-deaf leadership firmly in the past.
And yet the range of the policy debate is much narrower, and the tone more amiable, than is the case in Chile's more polarized neighbors, such as Argentina, Bolivia, and Venezuela.
If the vicious tone of his opponent's campaign offers any indication, Funes cannot count on the good will of those who have yet to learn how to behave like a loyal opposition.
Its election campaign took on a vilifying tone, charging that the opposition was bent on destroying ethnic groups through genocide.
The easing of tensions between China and Taiwan can, perhaps, set a tone for all of Northeast Asia.
Too many economists are tone-deaf to such distinctions.
Indeed, lately Xi seems to have softened his tone, if not necessarily his diplomatic line.
For Abe, the choice is whether to tone down his nationalist rhetoric and moderate his position on contentious historical issues.