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thumbless bat

Examples thumbless bat examples

How do I use thumbless bat in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Without his glasses, he is as blind as a bat.
Not only the balls; the bat was also stolen yesterday.
A bat is no more a bird than a rat is.
You must be blind as a bat if you couldn't see it.
The player swung the bat at a ball.
Each player on the team has his own bat.
Is that a bat?
The boy hit the ball with his new bat.
You need a bat, a ball and gloves to play baseball.
There's a bat on the ceiling in my office!
Mary is a nutty old bat.
A fat cat with a hat on, sat on a mat, dreaming to catch a rat or a bat.
I knew right off the bat that something was wrong.
A bat flying in the sky looks like a butterfly.
The bat was stolen yesterday, along with the balls.
He hit a ball with the bat.
A bat is not a bird, but a mammal.
She attacked him with a baseball bat.
Tom beat Mary to death with a baseball bat.
He's as blind as a bat.
Tom hit the ball so hard he split the bat.
Tom tightened his grip on the bat.

Movie subtitles

I should've said that right off the bat.
Bat Carilla.
I want Killer Peppi, Otero, Kid Bean and Bat to go with me.
Bat, stay outside that door and don't let anybody in.
There's that bat again.
My, that was a big bat.
It's that big gray bat again, sir.
They cannot harm that bat.
Careful, a bat!
God, that bat was huge.
A bat, Professor.
You'll never harm that bat.
You pegged me right off the bat, didn't you?
Yes, I pegged you right off the bat.
He had starred in The Big House, The Bat Whispers and The Red-Headed Woman opposite Jean Harlow, just before being slated for The Invisible Man.
Bat your eyes and you could catch any man you wanted.
Let her go to bat with a libel suit and see what she collects.
I ain't seen shooting' like that since Bat Masterson killed that Paiute chief.
Actually, would you prefer a girl with healthy eyes. to a girl with pretty eyes who's blind as a bat?
And now, before you die, my pretty one, I shall tell you I am not Professor Fetlock, the astronomer, I am Baggo the Bat!
I used to bat.320 at reform school.
I'd be there with a baseball bat, beating them off.
Crazy as a bat!
No, he's blind as a bat.
To say what you want right off the bat isn't considered polite among Indians.
Twinkle, twinkle little bat.

News and current affairs

We know these creatures' apotheosis, Dracula, as a vampire from Transylvania, a bat-like person with long canine teeth who lies in a coffin during the day and bites necks and drinks blood for sustenance.
Independent candidates can choose from an assortment of alternatives, ranging from a cricket bat to images of various large animals.