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thready pulse English

Synonyms thready pulse synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as thready pulse?

thready pulse English » English

filiform pulse

Examples thready pulse examples

How do I use thready pulse in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The doctor felt his pulse.
Your pulse is normal.
The doctor felt my pulse.
The doctor thought the patient's pulse was rather rapid.
I have an irregular pulse.
My pulse is fast.
My pulse is slow.
Body temperature rising, pulse rising. he's in a state of oxygen deficiency.
The doctor took his pulse.
The doctor took my pulse.
The doctor checked the patient's pulse.
A lie detector works by detecting changes in pulse and respiration.
The patient has no pulse.
His pulse beats slow.
In the patient's body the pulse began beating again.

Movie subtitles

Pulse ox misreads carbon monoxide poisoning as a normal oxygen saturation.
Time. I need to get in during the pulse check.
I don't like his pulse.
Her pulse is weak, Dr. Garth, growing weaker.
To begin with, her pulse is absolutely normal.
You take her pulse.
Take her pulse!
I don't do any pulse work.
Take her pulse.
Pulse is getting very weak.
I know it's a nuisance, but we have to track changes in pulse and blood pressure.
No purse, put it back. Pulse.
Certainly. To begin with, her pulse is absolutely normal.
Take her pulse. Take her pulse!
As accurately as I could, I observed my own reactions pulse, respiration, blood pressure.
His pulse is normal.
Everything's under control, except my pulse.
Doesn't she make your pulse beat faster? What about you, Doctor?
Pulse is picking up.
Feel my pulse.
My pulse is back to normal, but the doctor says I'm not out of danger yet.
How's your pulse, kid?
He's got some fever and his pulse is a little low.
Well, may your pulse beat as your heart would wish.
How's my pulse? Is it OK?
There is a pulse to a city.
The sawmill is the pulse and heartbeat of the town of Loyalton.
Hello, Dicky, how's the pulse?
Some sort of autocatalytic damping has to be developed. with a minimum pulse effect of two minutes duration.
Did you feel his pulse? No.
Miss Finch, for five nights now you've been taking my pulse.

News and current affairs

Here, he resembles former US President Reagan, whose popularity was rooted in an ability to feel the pulse of the public more accurately than his opponents.
As a result, the Saudi security services have a feel for the pulse of jihadi debates, as well as for the radicals' recruitment strategies.

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