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Examples textové pole examples

How do I use textové pole in a sentence?

Simple sentences

It's not easy to get to the North Pole.
The engineer climbed the telephone pole.
There was a flag at the top of the pole.
That pole is not quite vertical.
Scott was the first man to reach the pole.
This pole is sharp at the end.
This is how Scott and his men arrived at the South Pole.
The car hit a telephone pole.
The Arctic is the area round the North Pole.
To reach the North Pole is not easy.
The motorcycle drove into the telephone pole.
Mary is a professional pole dancer.
A truck knocked over a light pole and a traffic light.
At the North Pole, there are no penguins.
She's a bean pole.
The motorbike struck the telephone pole.
I saw in the paper that he had returned from the South Pole.
He explored the region around the South Pole.
They set up a pole at the center of the circle.
They went on an expedition to the North Pole.
I carelessly ran into the telegraph pole.

Movie subtitles

Tomorrow the pale man will be tied to the pole of torture!
A Pole was sitting on an oak. there will be no more Pole.
Use this pole, Harker!
The German people is happy. in the knowledge that a constantly changing vision. has been replaced by a fixed pole.!
You couldn't touch our cat with a 10-foot pole.
Catch that horse at the two-mile pole. with his heart bursting and he'll fold up on you.
They're bringing up a pole for a battering ram.
Its very tedious being stuck up here all day long with a pole up your back.
Look, just to prove we're your friends, we give you this totem pole.
I preached a whole sermon once straddling the ridge pole of a barn. Like this.
With Byrd, at the South Pole.
I don't think we'll be able to pole a straight course.
Pole faster.
Pole quicker.
Pole away to the other end.
Pole for shore.
He went with Admiral Byrd to the pole.
I bet the dog got to the pole first.
Get out of my way, you big telegraph pole.
You can give it a try with my fishing pole. but I can't guarantee anything.
Even the North Pole and Senegal!
I preached a whole sermon once straddling the ridge pole of a barn.
I was going by the telegraph pole.
It's very tedious being stuck up here all day long with a pole up your back. Oh, dear.
Where's the pole that goes with this?
Yes, sir! That's what I always tell my drivers. No phone pole ever hit a truck unless it was in self-defense.
But he's supposed to be a Pole who lived in Warsaw.
Golf, tennis. And where, may I ask, is his fish pole?
Straighten up that pole.
What purpose did Scott have in going to the South Pole?

News and current affairs

Perhaps Eban was too urbane, too much of a scholar and gentleman to be able to make it - in Disraeli's phrase - to the top of the greasy pole.
September 1939 taught every Pole that military power must be real to be effective.
The timing was highly significant: Merkel goes to China, the emerging global power, after declaring her own commitment to strengthening the eurozone, if not the EU as a whole, as a credible pole of an emerging multipolar world.
He has expedited the canonization process for John XXIII, who inaugurated Vatican II almost a half-century ago, and John Paul II, the autocratic Pole who reined in many of Vatican II's liberating impulses.
An alliance of those who espouse and practice liberal democracy might provide a pole of certainty in a highly uncertain world.
Today, a wooden pole marks each mass grave.
In the decade after September 11, 2001, the pendulum of public sentiment swung too far to the security pole; but it has begun to swing back in the absence of major new terrorist attacks.
The US is at one pole of the world economy.
In the future, I suggest, the traditionalists and the communitarians will form the precautionary pole of the political spectrum, while the libertarians and technocrats will form the proactionary pole.
Right and Left swapped seniority around a barely-existent central pole.
The territories claimed by Russia include the North Pole and a huge oil field.
To be a proud European, one must be a proud German, Spaniard, or Pole.
The North Pole turned into a lake for the first time in 2000.
The wave's height reached 15 meters, towering above even the highest pole-vault bars.
After all, his home and toy factory are at the North Pole, which, according to the minister's interpretation, belongs to Canada.
And two weeks ago, Denmark, which has sovereignty over Greenland, staked its own territorial claim, also covering the North Pole.
Multipolarity exists, but Russia is not much of a pole.
When one pole of nuclear deterrence weakened, due to Russia's political decline in the 1990's, NATO, a defensive union of democratic and peaceful states, committed aggression against Yugoslavia.
Throughout most of human history, ice almost completely barred all navigation in the seas surrounding the North Pole, and the Arctic was asleep in a silent indifference.
If Europe wants to remain a pole in a multi-polar international system, it must prove that it can pursue a common foreign and security policy, particularly in times of crisis and conflict.

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