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Examples televizní film examples

How do I use televizní film in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I've already seen the film.
My father didn't want to watch the film.
The film is boring.
The film is fantastic.
It was you who suggested this film.
When Tom entered the cinema, the film had already begun.
Tom doesn't remember the name of the film.
When we arrived, the film had started.
Sometimes the film score is too loud, which irritates me.
I want to watch this film!
It's a film in French.
I liked this film.
The film started at 2 o'clock.
The film lasted 2 hours.
You should see this film if you get the opportunity.
We saw the film and had dinner together.
I was angry about missing that film at the cinema.
Did you enjoy the film?
I may have seen that film before, but I can hardly remember it.
I'm going to see a horror film.
It took several months to shoot that film.
I wish I had seen the film.
Only adults may watch that film.
I've seen the film many times, but I'd like to see it again.
How does the film end?

Movie subtitles

I'm gonna film us.
Let's get a plain chest film, please, and then we're going to transfer her to the Burns Unit.
It's a smashing film!
Write a hit Meg Ryan Film?
Although it seems somewhat a relapse into the style of his earlier Keystones it was the most popular film in the whole series of twelve.
The end of the first part of the film has not been preserved.
The typography is based on another film from the same company of the same period.
This film has been restored by Marguerite Engberg from a master print. made from the original negative.
Dreyer has left directions for the tinting of the film.
BENJAMIN CHRISTENSEN wrote the script and produced this film between the years of 1919 and 1921.
From the silent film produced in Munich, Nathan the Wise, only one copy has been found.
In 1997, the Munich Film Museum obtained a copy.
The end sequence was copied from outtakes at the Munich Film Museum, of 16 mm black and white stock.
For the German premiere, the film was 2,976m. Approximately 600 meters remain missing.
A film in six acts written by Carl Mayer and Hans Janowitz.
To the Petrograd proletariat, the primary creator of the October, we dedicate our film.
A film by Carl Th.
Here's the story of the film ball last night.
After the opening, you won't hear any more of it until the last seven minutes of the film.
Rather, the unmistakable and unique vocal delivery of Claude Rains, who was making his first sound film.
This exposition of character relationships is expanded by the introduction of Dr Kemp, played by William Harrigan, a character in the novel whose role is greatly enlarged for dramatic purposes in the film.
There are many British players in this film, most from theatre, both in England and America, and some who arrived in Hollywood after the introduction of sound.
Whale had worked with or knew them, and naturally felt comfortable when he personally cast them in the film.
He moved to London at a very young age, and before coming to America in 1924 Harvey had been featured in English film comedies for ten years.
We are now about 17 minutes into the film, and the build-up to this moment has been just right.
Actor EE Clive, playing the police constable, made his film debut in The Invisible Man.
We got here with a lot difficulties. Later when it's time to go to the boulevard to film the video of unity, come over an hour earlier.
Let's see it at a film festival.
A film festival?
The film was produced with an unbelievable effort (two real palm trees) partly in Egypt,(a chalk quarry by Ruedesordorf).
In presenting this film today, it may not seem to have the same tragic effect as it had at the time.
Three different negatives were created for the film Der letzte Mann. One of them was for Germany, one for general export, and the third for the US A.
This reconstruction of the film has been based on the only existing material.
The first professional film by Josef von Sternberg was unusually bold both subject matter and technical skill. It framed the style of all gangster films to come.
This film has been restored in 35 mm from a special copy in 9.5 mm.
This film was shot in 1932 soon after the founding of the Spanish Republic.

News and current affairs

Film of Stanculescu at the time show that he had dispensed with his plaster cast.
The occasion for this latest round of historical jousting is the release of Clooney's new film The Monuments Men, which details Allied efforts to rescue art works from the Nazis during World War II.
His comments infuriated London's provocative mayor, Boris Johnson, himself a classics scholar and author, who shot back that Clooney's position on the issue was similar to that of the Nazis portrayed in his film.
But the film is of less interest in this dispute than the identity of the characters involved.
For example, star-struck female film fans may be especially prone to believe any utterance from Hollywood's most famous silver fox.
Consider former US Vice President Al Gore, for example, whose documentary film on global warming, An Inconvenient Truth, is celebrated for its unflinching look at how fossil fuel consumption is leading mankind to the brink of catastrophe.
The evidence on global warming is considerably more muddled than Gore's film suggests, but the basic problem is real.
Rupert Wyatt's Rise of the Planet of the Apes is the seventh film in a series based on Pierre Boule's 1963 novel, Planet of the Apes, about a world populated by highly intelligent simians.
Wyatt's reluctance to join in the exploitation of great apes is understandable, given that the film itself tells the story of apes rising up in response to oppression from dominant humans.
As far as the treatment of apes is concerned, much of the film is firmly grounded in reality, as a viewing of Project Nim, a documentary based on Elizabeth Hess's book Nim Chimpsky: The Chimp Who Would be Human, clearly demonstrates.
Indeed, Nigeria's film industry is the world's third largest, after the US and India, and is second only to oil production in terms of its economic significance to the country.
His latest provocation is a short film denouncing Islam, which is yet to be shown, but has already caused panic all around.
Gillo Pontecorvo's brilliant 1966 film The Battle of Algiers spelled out the dilemma for the occupying colonial power.
Their commander in the film, Colonel Mathieu (based on General Jacques Massu), explained the logic of the situation from the French point of view.
But, whereas many rushed to see Klimov's film, Alexievich's book did not seem to excite readers.
His friend, a young Iraqi actress named Zahra Zubaidi, had to flee the Middle East after having played a rape victim in the Brian de Palma film Redacted; she has since emigrated to New York.
A year ago, Chinese and Western intellectuals competed in dismissing popular interest in Tibet as a childlike confusion with the imaginary Shangri-la of the 1937 film Lost Horizon.
The film depicts a match that became a signature event in the Cold War between Russia and the United States.
The film An Inconvenient Truth won an Academy Award, led to a Nobel Prize for Al Gore, and attracted huge international attention to the disastrous impact of climate change.
Think of Charlie Chaplin's film Modern Times, in which the little tramp is literally a cog in the capitalist machine.
In Allen's 1973 film Sleeper, attempts are made to clone Hitler from his preserved nose.
CCTV falls under the control of the Propaganda Department and the Ministry of Radio, Film, and Television.
As the film clearly shows, however, the war on drugs became a war on the poor, especially on poor minority groups.
In the Netherlands, the shock that arose over the killing of the film maker Theo van Gogh runs deep and has led to demands for legislation against hate speech.
Not to be left out, Europeans could use the film's romantic shots of Istanbul to open up about whether Turkey will ever join their club.
Gore's deeply earnest film plots the relentless, and potentially disastrous, warming of the earth during the industrial era.
What if Russia were to inadvertently use a copy of the film that was pirated, as one imagines is true of most copies floating around in Russia?
By February 2012, the war in Libya is over, and I am wrapping up my documentary film about the conflict.

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