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teff grass English

Meaning teff grass meaning

What does teff grass mean?

teff grass

(= teff) an African grass economically important as a cereal grass (yielding white flour of good quality) as well as for forage and hay

Synonyms teff grass synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as teff grass?

Examples teff grass examples

How do I use teff grass in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Cows live on grass.
Let's sit on the grass.
He lay down on the grass.
Cows eat grass.
My dog sometimes eats grass.
The grass is green.
Every week, I have to cut the grass.
Some people still cut grass with a scythe.
We spread out the tablecloth on the grass by the river.
Maybe I will have to cut the grass once again.
Grass stops growing in autumn.
Elephants eat grass.
The grass won't grow.
Kyoko is lying on the grass.
Cattle feed on grass.
Cows are eating grass in the meadow.
The cows are eating grass.
As a boy I used to lie on my back on the grass and look at the white clouds.
Pandas feed on bamboo grass.
The tree throws a shadow on the grass.
The cat took advantage of the high grass to creep on the bird.
The grass needs cutting.
These animals feed on grass.
This grass is too wet to sit on.
Let's sit here on the grass.
I hear the grass is green even in the winter in England.
We laid the injured man on the grass.
Don't touch the grass.
In about the fifth year I decided cutting the grass was something I didn't want to do any more of.

Movie subtitles

It's like asking how many blades of grass are there on this soccer field.
All I have to do now is count the number of blades of grass in that little two-inch square and then multiply by the number of squares that would cover this whole field.
They managed to put out the flames and in expiation, a chapel was built. But ever since, no grass, no tree has grown on the Devil's Field.
This year, when the first grass showed, I'd only put on 60lb.
Never lets the grass grow.
How do you like to being a grass widow?
Gather some leaves and grass.
They can't get a blade of green grass.
Get off of the grass.
Now I can't even sit on the grass.
So, this snake in the grass, this Adam. already he has eaten the apple?
No grass growing under them tires, eh?
Turn Baldy loose in the pasture and see he gets plenty of grass.
The cows get all the grass they need now.
They're eating grass, roots and even leaves.
This year, when the first grass showed, I'd only put on 60 pounds.
Quick. Gather some leaves and grass.
Mmm, the grass and the earth.
Oh, smell this grass.
Look what he calls grass.
You've just got to be grass!
You know, I won't have you squandering all that love on grass and things.
Fie on you deserting our captain in this way. you scurvy traitors, you Judas Iscariots, you snakes in the grass. you wolves in sheep's clothing!
Away, you snake in the grass!
Before I'm done with you, I'll make you eat grass!
You'd make us eat grass.
There on the grass.
He who sits at home, and lets the grass grow under his feet.
Trees, grass, water..
He no like no more the grass on the south pasture.
Remember, this race is only 300 metres, so you've got no time to stop and eat the grass.
And try and keep off the grass.
And keep off the grass.
Not single straw of grass can grow here.
New spring grass.
I'm saying I'm on green grass with palm trees waving overhead.
You won't like 'em, those grass skirts are a fire hazard.
Those grass skirts rustle.

News and current affairs

India's Unique Identification Number project, under the capable stewardship of information-technology pioneer Nandan Nilekani, will enable access to government, banking, and insurance services at the grass-roots level.
Twenty years ago, a grass-roots movement led by Rotary International, a voluntary organization with around 1.2 million members in more than 200 countries, decided to attack.
On a hot day in New York, locals sprawl out on the grass fields of Central Park, not on asphalt parking lots or concrete sidewalks.
Across an entire city, there's much more tarmac than there is grass.
Dressed in a suit and tie, Abbas introduced professional Western-style management to the presidency, but had no idea what to do with grass-roots militants.
Others are more mundane, involving long-term experiments and observation of smaller ecosystems, such as plots of prairie grass or swamplands.
You can decide to mow the grass, in which case you produce one kind of ecosystem, one kind of future.
Or you can decide not to mow the grass, in which case you produce another kind of ecosystem, another kind of future.
Cabbage stalk soup and grass salad, sad to say, are likely to dominate the diet of North Korea's long-suffering people for a long time yet.
I and a number of other wealthy Americans are contributing millions of dollars to grass-roots organizations engaged in the 2004 presidential election.
India was historically strong at field hockey, winning almost all of the gold medals between 1928 and 1968, but, since the Games switched from grass to expensive synthetic turf, the Indians have won just one field hockey medal.
Moreover, bombs and grenades not only ignite buildings, but also grass, bushes, and trees.
People who naively believed that cows ate grass discovered that beef cattle in feed lots may be fed anything from corn to fish meal, chicken litter (complete with chicken droppings), and slaughterhouse waste.
In fact, the movement represents a spark of protest against mindless consumerism, grass-roots resistance against an impersonal logic, and an expression of communal activism.
But when even a lone elephant does a war dance, the grass still feels the pain.
NEWPORT BEACH - Some two years into Egypt's grass-roots revolution, the country's economy is in a worrisome downward spiral.
It will be necessary to harness grass-roots dynamism and entrepreneurial potential to achieve social solidarity and equity.
Like a blade of grass beneath a stone, culture knows how and in which direction to seek light.
As a former finance minister, deputy prime minister, and the product of a grass-roots civil-society movement, Prime Minister Kan has his work cut out for him, particularly as it is rumored that Ozawa intends to topple him in the autumn.
Like Grass, Germans - especially the younger generations, who feel further removed from the events of WWII - are increasingly abandoning the notion that they owe it to Israel to remain its silent, steadfast supporters.

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