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tawny-moor English

Synonyms tawny-moor synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as tawny-moor?

tawny-moor English » English

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Examples tawny-moor examples

How do I use tawny-moor in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The Moor has done his duty, the Moor can go.

Movie subtitles

From one of your pursuers on the moor.
I don't know how innocent you may be. but you're a woman, you're defenseless, and you're alone. on a desolate moor in the dark, manacled to a murderer. who'd stop at nothing to get you off his hands.
C'mon, moor!
She calls him. and he follows her out onto the moor.
Yonder. Right on west moor.
Let her come in and moor.
They must be trying for the black moor factory.
There's a bomb crater at black moor factory near Lembridge.
I was walking on a desolate moor at night.
The barges make a wide turn to get upstream and moor.
The plain facts of the matter are that a fortnight ago. Sir Charles Baskerville was found dead on the moor.
Under no circumstances. are you to venture out onto the moor alone at night.
Do as the legend tells. and avoid the moor when the forces of darkness are exalted.
It'll only take you out of your way. whereas it's a short walk across the moor.
That stuck-up woman at the General's asked if I was a Moor! That's why.
That's easy. From one of your pursuers on the moor.
Don't forget: through the forest, across the moor, to the ferry house.
The shortest road to the village is over the moor.
You are probably very afraid of the moor?
See, I told you how dangerous the moor is.
I hurried across the moor, to fetch the doctor.
Some will tell you that nothing ever really dies upon the Moor.
So that's our famous moor, eh?
Where? Across the moor.
My name is Stapleton, live just across the moor.
Wonderful place this moor.
While only yesterday one of the moor ponies wondered into it.
Grouse on the moor.
To the middle of bodmin moor and back.
He rose above religious hatreds. and called upon all Spaniards, whether Christian or Moor. to face a common enemy who threatened to destroy their land of Spain.
Betrayed by a Christian, saved by a Moor.
Now, sir, be judge yourself whether I in any just term am affined to love the Moor.
What profane wretch art thou? I am one, sir, that come to tell you that your daughter and the Moor are now making a beast with two backs.
Signor, it is the Moor. - Down with him, thief.
This Moor whom now it seems your special mandate for the state affairs hath hither brought.
And so much duty as my mother showed to you preferring you before her father so much I challenge that I may profess due to the Moor, my lord.
Moor, I here do give thee that with all my heart which, but thou hast already with all my heart I would keep from thee.

News and current affairs

According to the Dutch historians Tine de Moor and Jan Luyten van Zanden, the early break with patriarchy in Europe in the late Middle-Ages (1200-1500) accounts for the rise of capitalism and growing prosperity in the Western World.
On the Spratley and Paracel islands -- seized from Vietnam and the Philippines respectively -- China is building port facilities to moor large surface ships and runways large enough to handle long-range bombers.

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