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subterranean stream English

Synonyms subterranean stream synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as subterranean stream?

Examples subterranean stream examples

How do I use subterranean stream in a sentence?

Simple sentences

As he crossed the bridge, he looked down at the stream.
The ball rolled into the stream.
The boat drifted down the stream.
If this organization is left as it is, it will soon go bankrupt; its recovery is as difficult as swapping horses while crossing a stream.
A small stream runs by my house.
They swam against the stream.
When I regained my senses, it seemed that fur had grown on my fingers and knees. When it became slightly brighter, I looked at my reflection in a mountain stream, and I realized that I had become a tiger.
He sat next to the stream.
Tom and Mary pitched their tent near the stream.
When Tom put his foot into the stream, he felt something bite his toe.
The Gulf Stream is a great river of warm water flowing within the Atlantic Ocean.
To strive against the stream requires courage.
The gentle murmur of the mountain stream helped Tom calm himself.
A small stream ran down among the rocks.
It must be dangerous to swim in this rapid stream.
Drink water from a stream.
He flung a stream of abuse at me.
The stream is not very swift.
Never swap horses while crossing a stream.
The three animals tried to help the old man, the monkey using its ability to climb to collect fruit and nuts, and the fox catching fish in the stream to bring to him.
A river is a stream of water.

Movie subtitles

A photo stream?
Row row row your boat, gently down the stream. Come on!
Saved by a miracle, Ulysses goes ashore at the mouth of a stream.
Suppose you were out horseback riding. and you came to that stream and wanted to ford over.
There seems to be a steady stream flowing in and out over there.
We'll take the shortcut across the stream.
Is there any way to cross this stream?
Just a little stream.
With a woman it's all in one flow like a stream. Little eddies and waterfalls, but the river, it goes right on.
Is there a stream or hill there forcing the road to circle them?
How far to the next stream, Vance?
An empire through which for 50 years flowed in an unending stream the wealth of the Earth's third richest gold mine.
Here runs the underground stream that drives the turbines that Frankenstein installed.
There was a little bridge and a stream. and the sun was making an effort to come out, but really not suceeeding very well.
Yes, there's a stream over there.
Because. I hate to tell you this, but there haven't been any fish in this stream for 20 years.
With a woman it's all in one flow like a stream.
The stream is becoming a river.
Thus we and our party return to the ice stream of the Himalaya.
Instead of a wild mountain stream, it becomes a quiet little brook.
Human beings are its chosen prey and its venom once injected into the blood stream causes such excruciating agony that the victim is driven to self-destruction.
Though I am dead, the grass will grow the sun will shine, the stream will flow.
Though I am dead, the grass will grow, the sun will shine, the stream will flow.
Those trout were in the stream hours ago.
Narco-finance is a major revenue stream - for American black ops.
And again, this blood is only a drop, flowing by in the eternal stream of the life of your people, whom you owe everything, and whose source of origin therefore is the deepest and highest you can subserviently bow to in childlike awe.
With a woman, it's all in one flow like a stream. Little eddies and waterfalls, but the river, it goes right on.
It may seem just a little valley with a little stream running through it.
And I'd rather catch salmon in my own stream, if somebody would teach me how.
The trees, the darkening street. this moment, like an island in the great stream of time.
Do you believe, Mr Martins, in the stream of consciousness?
Stream of consciousness?

News and current affairs

Policymakers are ill prepared to cope with a steady stream of growth scares.
Somehow, it seems, Saudi society has produced a stream of violent fanaticism that draws its inspiration from extreme religious orthodoxy.
Recent revelations that many corporate executives have backdated their stock options, ensuring excessive compensation even when their companies perform poorly, are merely the latest in a stream of examples of bad business behavior.
Smart taxes should be phased in gradually to allow households and firms time to adjust and for new technologies to come on stream.
The report also revealed the improbability of another Gore scenario: that global warming could make the Gulf Stream shut down, turning Europe into a new Siberia.
Moreover, even if the Gulf Stream were to weaken over the century, this would be good, as there would be less net warming over land areas.
Given the constant stream of security and data breaches and allegations of financial manipulation involving some of the world's most respected banks, who can blame the public for feeling this way?
Ultra-low interest rates lift asset prices in two ways: they increase the present value of the future income stream of a stock or a fixed-income bond; and they make credit and property purchases more affordable.
Their supporters in the media have spewed a stream of disinformation and leaked wiretaps to discredit and embarrass the accused.
If wisely administered, such spending produces a revenue stream that services and eventually extinguishes the debt; more importantly, it raises productivity, and thus improves a country's long-run growth potential.
In a world of ultra-low returns, Greece would be seen as a splendid opportunity, sustaining a steady stream of inward foreign direct investment.
Water quality would be improved for more than 600 million people if the farms and ranches operating within their watersheds limited runoff and restored stream banks.
One reason why Singapore has a well-funded government, despite low taxes, is that its successful policies caused the land and real estate it owned to explode in value, generating a huge revenue stream.
Retired people need life annuities - contracts that offer a stable income stream for as long as they live - to insure against the risk of outliving their wealth.
The stream of statements, half-measures, and clumsy initiatives has done little to improve the situation - and, in some instances, has made things worse.
We do know that metastasis is a very inefficient process, with most cancer cells that escape into the blood stream failing to form metastatic tumors in distant organs.
The planned Nord Stream gas pipeline on the bottom of the Baltic Sea is a good example of the problems that everyone in Europe is facing.
Nord Stream will enable Russia to deliver natural gas directly to Germany without using the existing land-based connections.
Countries that have good reason to fear a Russian manufactured chill have loudly proclaimed that Nord Stream is politically rather than economically motivated.
Moreover, Russia's ability to meet future gas demand from commercially viable reserves suggests that Nord Stream could be used to cut off gas sales to unfavored clients.
This November, Nord Stream was given a surprising go-ahead by three Scandinavian countries that will lend their seabed to the project: Denmark, Sweden, and Finland.
Indeed, Chinese media have lately been directing a relentless stream of vitriol at Li.
Indeed, every passing day now seems to bring worse news-even weekends no longer provide respite from the steady stream of gloom!
The earth produces a reliable stream of disasters.

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