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Examples subskew field examples

How do I use subskew field in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Have you ever plowed a field with a horse?
I ran around the field.
The field has already been sown.
Some researchers believe that the pigeons can detect the Earth's magnetic field.
An expert is someone who knows some of the worst mistakes that can be made in his field, and how to avoid them.
Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.
What's your major field?
Cattle were grazing in the field.
The manager assembled the players on the field.
There used to be a green field here; now there's a supermarket.
The magnets, of course, have a magnetic field around them.
A lot of insects are chirping in the field.
So there is a magnetic field around earth.
Pigeons can find their way home with the help of the Earth's magnetic field.
How much wheat does each field yield?
The problem is outside my field.
We will crop the field with cotton this year.
Nobody is equal to this young woman in the field of music.
I hope to make clear why I think Emmet's theory, originally introduced in the field of design architecture, is so important in physics.
The pilot landed the airplane in the field.
The farmer sowed his field with wheat.
I found the field trip very educational.

Movie subtitles

It's like asking how many blades of grass are there on this soccer field.
All I have to do now is count the number of blades of grass in that little two-inch square and then multiply by the number of squares that would cover this whole field.
Now we need the number of square inches in this field.
Wow, that's almost 1 0 million square inches in this field.
Do you intend to make a field out of this?
It's been the best in its field since the First World War.
Yes, I miss being in the field.
More interestingly, he bet on the field to beat Sophie Palmer.
Dr Varma will lead the field team.
Decompress it. - Field thoracotomy.
He's one of the best, in his field.
Oh, uh, I did stop by the national archives just to maybe book a field trip for the kids.
On a night like this, the old man of the field would be able to return!
To hear the story of Devil's Field for the umpteenth time?
I've been in the field for 3 years and I haven't killed a single Arab yet!
Training for track and field. My girl's trying to get scouted.
I neutralized his gravity field.
It would appear his intention is to use the flying debris field in an attempt to destroy my terminal.
You're the one who is taking good care of the poppy field?
Mr. Horatio W. Jamison, Field Secretary of Captain Spaulding.
Now the kulaks can just mourn their field borders!
Vasili has plowed the field with the tractor!
You know, his researches in the field of chemical galvanism and electrobiology were far in advance of our theories here at the university.
The officials at Le Bourget Field will telephone you at your rooms as soon as flying is possible.
He did not report to the flying field?
Dennis is sending me out on my first field trip.
What's the matter? Wet field?
Why won't you let bud and his friends use the soccer field?
The soccer field belongs to us.
They water balloon bombed us on our own turf, just because we won't let them on our soccer field.
Who says it's your soccer field?
This field has always belonged to my family.
I respectfully ask you one Let us share the soccer pitch. You're never gonna play on our soccer field.
I'm trying to get those guys to fight it out on the soccer field.
Bud, I'm trying to make it so you guys can fight it out on the soccer field in a game against Frankie's crew.
We get to fly an aircraft, and ride a horse on a field in Mongolia.
Oh, I did stop by the National Archives, just to maybe book a field trip for the kids.
Tonight amazing Galla performance. in the large tent in the field behind the inn.
The field of honour calls you.

News and current affairs

The field is too full of mines.
At the top international level, soccer has become faster and more athletic, and the top teams can shrink space on the field more effectively.
For now, we have a World Cup filled with soccer that is being shaped by a new, young generation both on and off the playing field - light-hearted, enthralling, and beautiful to watch.
Barter payments, -- which stifled the energy market -- were eliminated. So too tax breaks and other privileges that skewed the playing field in favor of a select few.
For our intention is to attract large Western energy companies with experience in this field as strategic investors.
Today, Western universities are replete with distinguished Arab scholars in almost every field - the result of a brain drain that itself reflects the Islamic world's centuries of decline.
MILAN - At the end of this month, Italian voters will choose their next government, from which they expect jobs and a more level economic playing field - and from which Italy's European partners expect structural reforms and fiscal probity.
This means that we can't answer complex questions that depend on more than one field.
That is why we are assessing different methods for gathering data from the field, including the use of mobile applications to digitize paper records.
Of course, any regulation in this field requires at least some involvement by a doctor but the Oregon Act recognizes the fundamental dilemma faced by doctors confronted with a patient's request to die and strives to keep that involvement to a minimum.
So there is great tension everywhere between how the public, and how doctors regard a possible contract in the field of assisted dying.
So the high- and low-erucic acid varieties of rapeseed plants must be carefully segregated in the field and thereafter.
Television is attractive to the architecture of the human nervous system: our brains are built to absorb information and follow rapid changes in the sensory field.
Some, like Brad DeLong and Paul Krugman, would say that the field has actually regressed.
The complexities of black anger, white guilt, and of black, and white fear, are so vexed that most Americans prefer not to talk about race at all. The field is too full of mines.
The IMF is on much weaker ground, however, in thinking that its one-size-fits-all global tax system will somehow level the playing field internationally.
They prefer what they see as the rugged individualism of free-market forces, a level capitalist playing field, and a weak state that does not impinge on their personal choices.
The interim deal is Iran's first compromise on its nuclear program in more than a decade, and a diplomatic victory in a field long overshadowed by the looming cloud of military intervention.
The Qataris have outstripped them in exploiting the huge gas field they share.
As our team maneuvered the ball down the field, politics fell away.
How will you help American students compete globally, while ensuring a level playing field at home for talented foreign students and workers?
And he has moved forward in the health field.
The field is too full of mines. One of Obama's great achievements is that he made it into a serious topic through the brilliance and subtlety of his rhetoric.
So too tax breaks and other privileges that skewed the playing field in favor of a select few.
Likewise, restrictions that prevent socially responsible companies based in advanced industrial countries from doing business in Myanmar have left the field open to less scrupulous firms.

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