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stray nonreciprocity

Examples stray nonreciprocity examples

How do I use stray nonreciprocity in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Have you been bitten by a stray dog?
Tom came close to being killed by a stray arrow.
Tom was killed by a stray bullet.
Tom was attacked by a stray dog.
A stray dog followed Tom home and he decided to keep it.
The stray dog suddenly came at the child.
We found the stray dog and decided to keep it.
Stay down or you might get hit by a stray bullet.
Tom has been bitten by a stray dog.
Tom was bitten by a stray dog.
She helped stray cats in winter.

Movie subtitles

Even collects stray boys and cats.
We won't be here long, folks, don't stray off.
Where are we gonna stray to?
Are there any stray hayseeds in my hair?
Perhaps because I've always been partial to the stray cat. who comes stalking down the aisle. when everyone is yawning their heads off at a dull sermon.
You're good at throwing stray lambs to the wolves, aren't you?
A stray bullet.
From what I know of the case, the man was nipped by a stray dog.
Much too fine to be wasted on minor things like stray dogs.
There are quite a few stray dogs roaming the parks these nights.
I was her favorite niece, so when she died she left her fortune to a home for stray cats and the candlesticks to me.
Ain't it always his burros that won't march in line. stray off the trail and smash their packs against the trees and rocks?
I wish they'd stray off far enough to fall down about 2,000 feet of gorge.
Once does not a habit make, but the second time, a stray becomes a rabid dog.
Each ship will proceed singly to pick up any stray ships we'll find on the journey.
And don't stray from the door.
Take, for instance, this passion for mothering stray waifs.
Then ask the snake that crawls, stray wolf, a frog from the swamp.
No wonder we husbands stray from home.
He don't want you to be no little stray cat like you are now, dependent on other folks.
If our positions were reversed I shouldn't think of you sending to your death. Lacking a few stray pieces of the puzzle.
Somebody inquiring about a stray dog.
Bring stray dogs, and earn 40 sen a dog.
I'm just a stray dog.
Passengers are allowed to go out during the stopover but are asked not to stray too far and to come back aboard at the first siren call.
Rabbits, dear, a stray hiker or two.
Somebody enquiring about a stray dog.
Picking up stray women is your own affair but don't do it with me.
Sorry, Mayhew. Try me again when you've something not too stimulating. Like a postman bitten by a stray dog.
You look like a stray cat, by not thinking of him.
And the unsuspecting Townsend winds up with a stray knife in his back.
He should never let himself be caught napping. Never for a minute let his eye stray to the left. When for all he knows that judge, or somebody like that can be lurking a little bit to the right.

News and current affairs

For example, Uganda's Idi Amin and Ethiopia's Haile Mariam Mengistu--deposed tyrants who rival Saddam in the scale of their criminality--have taken care not to stray from their shelters in Saudi Arabia and Zimbabwe, respectively.
Second, our rhetoric about our role as America's international partners for peace should not stray too far from reality.
Such anxieties seem natural with NATO war planes flying overhead after their bomb runs, with the occasional stray bomb hitting as nearby as a Sofia suburb.
That is why we need new legislation to ensure that the use of corporate funds in politics does not stray from the interests of shareholders.