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stereotype caster

Examples stereotype caster examples

How do I use stereotype caster in a sentence?

Simple sentences

It is a stereotype that police officers always eat doughnuts.
It's an old stereotype.
Is that stereotype true?
It's a stereotype.
It's hard to get rid of the Soviet stereotype that the Decembrists were exceptionally noble, honest and fearless people.

News and current affairs

First, Sharon moved the Likud to the center, making it the hegemonic party, while destroying every stereotype about his personality, methods, and worldview.
Reality and stereotype reinforce each other in a reflexive fashion.
Their motives are too diverse to be reduced to any single stereotype.
He was very good at playing to that ancient Western stereotype of the Wise Man from the East.
The reality of change, however, has been hampered by the stereotype of continuity.
The Halappanavar case thus reverses the Western stereotype of Eastern societies as preserves of superstition and religious extremism.
In both countries, women protesters were nothing like the Western stereotype: they were front and center, in news clips and on Facebook forums, and even in the leadership.
At some point, women became powerful enough that they collectively rejected the high social value this narrative placed on a male offer of a ring and flipped the stereotype on its head.