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spiral nebula English

Meaning spiral nebula meaning

What does spiral nebula mean?

spiral nebula

(= spiral galaxy) a galaxy having a spiral structure; arms containing younger stars spiral out from old stars at the center

Synonyms spiral nebula synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as spiral nebula?

spiral nebula English » English

spiral galaxy

Examples spiral nebula examples

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Movie subtitles

The spiral nebula in Andromeda.

News and current affairs

Europe will join America in a downturn, reinforcing America's decline and setting in motion a global downward spiral.
Now we finally have a chance to break out of the downward spiral of economic decline.
This militarized approach is leading the world into a downward spiral of violence and conflict.
But, while gradual adjustment is essential, faster and deeper cuts are largely self-defeating: big reductions in private credit and government spending will cause a sharper slowdown - and thus a vicious downward spiral.
To be sure, there has been the normal inflation associated with large increases in import prices that always follow large devaluations, but rather than setting off a spiral of price increases, inflation rates appear to be dampening.
The reason is clear: by taking time to set the stage for liberalization, governments hoped to limit the initial spike in price inflation, thereby avoiding a wage-price spiral and curbing capital flight.
Under the existing regime, the country had been on a rapid downward spiral of the kind that has now become familiar in Greece and elsewhere in Europe.
ROME - The Basel Accords - meant to protect depositors and the public in general from bad banking practices - exacerbated the downward economic spiral triggered by the financial crisis of 2008.
Moreover, those women who do reach higher-ranking positions are susceptible to a visibility-vulnerability spiral, owing to their minority status.
Those countries whose deficits have soared as a result of the global recession should not be forced into a death spiral - as Argentina was a decade ago.
Because of this downward spiral in economic activity, banks are now flush with liquidity, which is supporting a rally in the domestic bond market, as the slump in domestic demand drags down demand for bank credit (see the chart below).
If the central bank cannot lower interest rates further to stimulate the economy, what will stop a potential downward spiral of prices?
Short of this, the West will most likely end up as an accomplice to Egypt's continuing downward spiral into violence and economic collapse.
Stop-and-go aid has left Haiti in an unmitigated downward spiral.
Ultimately, these financial failures reflect the downward spiral of house prices and the increasing number of homes with negative equity, i.e., with substantial mortgage debt in excess of market values.
But, in an increasingly inflationary environment, any such efforts could fuel an outbreak of the dreaded wage-price spiral - the same lethal interplay that wreaked such havoc in the United States in the 1970's.
But the evolving slowdown is not the only reason the threat of a wage-price spiral in Europe is overblown.
But these hopes were dashed as international lending dried up and trade collapsed, sending developing countries down the same spiral that industrial nations took.
All that time, he faced consistent political pressure to determine a positive inflation target that would halt the country's deflationary spiral.
The risk of a vicious, self-reinforcing downward spiral would rise sharply.
Indeed, the deflationary spiral, particularly in Greece and Spain, is causing output to contract so rapidly that further spending cuts and tax increases are not reducing budget deficits and public debt relative to GDP.
So, to prevent a spiral of ever-deepening recession, the periphery needs real depreciation to improve its external deficit.
That argues against American overreaction, which could fuel the kind of self-reinforcing downward spiral in bilateral relations that occurred between Great Britain and Germany prior to the conflagrations of the first half of the twentieth century.

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