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skin avulsion

Examples skin avulsion examples

How do I use skin avulsion in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Her skin is as white as snow.
True democracy makes no enquiry about the color of skin, or the place of nativity, wherever it sees man, it recognizes a being endowed by his Creator with original inalienable rights.
Beauty is only skin deep.
Her skin was almost translucent.
When the body is touched, receptors in the skin send messages to the brain causing the release of chemicals such as endorphins.
I have extremely light skin and never tan.
If it had not been for your raincoat, I would have been drenched to the skin.
I was drenched to the skin because of the heavy rain.
I got soaked to the skin.
Give me some skin!
Take the skin off before you eat the apple.
Wet clothes adhere to the skin.
I was caught in a shower and was drenched to the skin.
Tom got wet to the skin and caught cold.
That dark coat does not match her dark skin.
Please scrape the skin off the potatoes.
Had it not been for your raincoat, I would have been drenched to the skin.
Short-term effects of smoking include unfitness, wheezing, a general vulnerability to illness, bad breath, bad skin and so on.
On my way home from school, I was caught in a shower and got wet to the skin.
We were caught in a shower and got wet to the skin.

Movie subtitles

And the murderers and the robbers, and the AIDS, and the snakes, and the safari ants, which can actually plant their eggs underneath your skin and eat you from the inside out.
He was born last week, and he has pale brown skin like us because our mum is from Poplar and our dad is from Jamaica.
Don't let them get under your skin, but don't hesitate to get under theirs.
His face is like leprous parchment, yellow skin strung tight over protruding bones!
If this isn't a skin game, mr. Hornblower, i don't know what is.
Skin game.
We'll play what you call a skin game, hillcrist, without gloves on.
A skin game?
Remember, we're playing a skin game.
Begin as you may, it ends in this skin game.
With your skin I prefer crimson.
You know, my skin's terribly delicate, and I don't dare expose it.
A little of this injected under the skin of the arm every day for a month.
I'm fighting for you, the children and the Algerians, so people will respect your religion, values and the color of your skin.
A fine skin!
A daring hunter FROM THE WILD STEPPES With a skin of a killed animal.
There's one on the. next the skin.
Oh, but that isn't close to your white skin.
I want to remember you as you were last night on the balcony in the moonlight with your hair framing your lovely face like a halo and your soft, clinging robe caressing your white skin.
It was injected under the skin, and it turned the dog dead white, like a marble statue.
One splash of this on his skin and we've got something to follow at last.
OK, but underneath this lion's skin beats a heart seething with sentiment.
You wouldn't think that once I had skin like velvet.
Somebody'll lose his skin for this, all right.
This has got dead skin all over it.
My skin was brown, we'd sleep on deck.
And his skin is yellow, lately.
And what skin!
Push back the skin before cutting it.
Your clear voice your white skin.
You're all sweaty. Your skin sticks like taffy.
Lips red as the rose. Hair black as ebony. Skin white as snow.
Look! On the skin!
I have a good notion to skin you alive!
But we have skin on our bones.
How did you like that rabbit skin I gave you? That was for luck.

News and current affairs

Crowley never mentioned the color of Gates' skin.
This time, he must produce one if he is to save his skin.
Family members might share many physical features, such as height, skin tone, or hair color.
From now on, the issues of skin color, eye shape, or gender will no longer play a deciding role for a candidate for high, or even the highest, office.
But the monetary union itself turned out to be a gigantic banana skin, inducing capital flows that pushed up costs around the European periphery.
The Socialists, for their part, had not yet shed their intellectual skin.
Even if the breast is removed, radiation is sometimes needed to prevent recurrence of the breast cancer on the skin of the chest.
If Putin wants to save his own skin, he must act fast and sack his top KGB aides in the Kremlin and the Prosecutor General.
Thanks to the protocol, it is estimated that up to 20 million cases of skin cancer, and 130 million eye cataracts, will be avoided.
More specifically, he blames the fact that young Frenchmen of Muslim origin are marginalized on the grounds of their faith and the color of their skin.
It is hard to imagine Hannity demanding such a public affirmation of loyalty from anyone with white skin.
As Michael Klag and his colleagues showed a decade ago, in general, the darker one's skin color, the higher the rate of hypertension for American blacks, even within the African American community.
The differences were not biological or genetic in origin, but biological in effect due to stress-related outcomes of darker skin color: reduced access to valued social goods such as employment, promotion, housing, etc.
Stem cells, found in many organs from skin to bone marrow, are different.
But they have much skin in this game.
But change went only skin-deep.
Tickling appears to be caused by unexpected sensations on certain areas of the skin.
They produce skin-deep democracies in which people have a vote but don't really have a stake, in which wealth is increasingly concentrated and income disparities are harder to breach.
Meth users often develop rotten teeth and horrible scabs caused by scratching themselves due to a sensation of insects crawling under their skin.
This tax would have two positive effects: it would induce banks to recapitalize, thereby reducing their excessive leverage, while forcing managers to have more skin in the game.
Although they are physically a fantasy sci-fi mix of blue skin and cat-like movement, they are culturally a mix of Native Americans and Vietnamese, with Arabic accents thrown in.
You can, however, succeed in tickling yourself through an intermediary - a machine, for instance, that translates the movements of your fingers into sensations on the skin by a method indirect enough for the cerebellum to be unable to anticipate them.