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Examples ski-joring examples

How do I use ski-joring in a sentence?

Simple sentences

It is the correct approach to modern ski technique.
You can ski on that hill.
I can ski.
I will have joined the ski tour five times when I join it again.
We went to the mountain to ski.
I often ski.
I want to buy a pair of ski boots.
I'm able to ski.
I want to learn how to ski.
We went to the mountains to ski.
He was able to ski down the slope in three minutes.
How badly they ski!
She can both ski and skate.
She asked Bob to teach her how to ski.
Tom can ski as well as his brother.
You will soon be able to ski well.
I'd like to rent skis and ski boots.
He can ski as skillfully as his father.
She does not know how to ski.

Movie subtitles

But look, the last time I saw The Aviator, he was asking me for the keys to my Jet Ski.
Juicy's Jet Ski is garbage!
The big ski race is performed by German, Norwegian and Austrian master skiers.
I suppose you came all this way just to see me, not the ski race.
Diotima goes to watch the ski jump.
The ski racers go to the cottage, to celebrate the day's events.
Our ski-master and his friend Vigo. - have not returned from the Santo-north face.
We drink to the welfare of our absent ski-master.
Maybe we should try ski jumping next.
You can't ski.
And Miss Dawn, she likes to ski too?
You could ski down the ice on her back.
I'm glad you found someone to ski with so unexpectedly.
You have one ski on top of the other.
You can't ski. If necessary, on my hands and knees.
Ski tracks in the snow.
We're going back to that ski run.
There's the Ski Race tomorrow and George is my pilot.
What else would you ski on?
Ski on water?
We're using the ski tow to hang the wash on.
Well, you've got this nice big empty ski lodge, and the minute Phil and I saw it, we decided it was ideal.
When it's cold, I put on ski socks instead of slippers.
Would you like me to teach you how to water-ski?
She's fallen in love with a ski instructor in Sun Valley.
I spent those two months buying ski poles for mountain troops.
I'd like to know why a man who's supposed to know how to ski has to use poles.
A p itch big enough For the ski es to open up.
Anyone who can do that to a ski hasn't any business wandering alone in the woods.
I'd like to see how he'll ski this winter!
There's one of those emergency ski cabins.
Skiing on snow. - What else would you ski on?
In Florida. On water. Ski on water?
We can sell the house. I spoke to the people at the hotel about it, they're opening up a new ski slope below the first peak and they can use this place.
She looked like a cavalryman anyway, in her ski pants and on horseback.
I was on my way to ski when I ran into Sir Charles.
Do you ski, Mr. Lytton?
You're going to ski without your little darling.
You can't bear us screwing on the Riviera, screwing at ski-resorts!
I couldn't ski so well then.
I took a ski course.

News and current affairs

There is something unsettling about the global power elite jetting into an exclusive Swiss ski resort and telling the rest of the world to stop using fossil fuels.
In Medvedev's mental universe, savage reprisals today will somehow turn the North Caucasus into a zone of international ski tourism tomorrow.
The day after Medvedev's departure from Vladikavkaz, terrorists blew up the ski lifts at the resort in Nalchik, not far from Sochi, where, for Russia, much more than winning medals will be at stake in 2014.

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