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site foreman English » English

field overseer

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News and current affairs

What was once the dignified preserve of obviously elite currencies could become the site of messy political battles for elevated status.
Moreover, the time to test readiness of the Nevada test site has been moved up from three years to two years, and funding has been provided to produce additional fissile material for new nuclear weapons.
Why shouldn't another site of ancient enmities be the source of a new conception of statehood?
Not so in Italy, where the main site of electoral competition has always been within the governing coalition.
At the Fukushima site, the backup power supply, essential for maintaining vital safety functions such as cooling the reactors and spent fuel rods, was not properly protected.
That is what Chris and Anne Ellinger hope their Web site, www.boldergiving.org, will achieve.
Hong's Web site, www.10over100.org, invites others to do likewise.
So he started a Web site that acts as a chat room for Chinese scholars sharing his concern.
This Web site, now closed by the government, has also reported on the fate of Chen Guangcheng.
At the same time, regulators increased inspections, closed down some 180 food manufacturers and now post the names of violators on their Web site.
For example, the Democracy and Freedom Web site has been either temporarily shut down or blocked 43 times in three years.
The ADB meeting took place in the Pudong District, Shanghai's most remarkable development site.
Although All4Syria's Internet site was recently blocked for unspecified reasons, the newsletter continues to be circulated and Mr. Abdul Nour moves in his usual circles unmolested.
To certain evangelical Christians, it is the holy site of the Second Coming of the Messiah.
Nevertheless, Africa is the site of many of the world's worst conflicts.
This time, the massacre site was a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, where accused shooter James Holmes murdered and injured dozens of moviegoers.
In fact, Hamas made similar attempts to attack the Dimona complex in 2012, as did Iraq in 1991, with the aim of releasing the site's contents to inflict radiological damage on Israel's population.
There was a lack of integrated emergency-response capability at the site and nationally.
Google has become a de facto gatekeeper of information, to the extent that if your site is not highly ranked by Google, you are like the tree falling in the forest with no one to hear it.
Putting those front pages on a filtered Web site should be only a beginning.
Most American journalists fully understand that Assange did not illegally obtain classified material; the criminally liable party is whoever released the material to the site.
The site offers a stark reminder that humans' simple, physical presence in a habitat is more damaging than one of the twentieth century's worst environmental catastrophes.

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