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shoulder tuck

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We need to accept that not everything can be run from the center, which means more trust and more partnership, but also more willingness to shoulder responsibility further down the line.
But they do not want America alone to shoulder the burdens of international peace, and they are gradually coming to the realization that leadership and cooperation do not come automatically, simply because America is the only superpower.
Intelligence and military support for both countries will be essential, as will enhanced efforts to help Jordan shoulder its massive refugee burden.
The largest developing nations - China, India, and Russia - will need to shoulder some of the burden of reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.
Rich countries' larger contribution to environmental damage means that they must shoulder greater responsibility for fixing the problem.
While enlargement remains the EU's most important geo-strategic goal, we must shoulder our global responsibility in other ways as well.
The US cannot be expected to shoulder the post-conflict burdens of peacekeeping alone.
Thanks to its massive North Sea oil reserves, the country has achieved a level of wealth unimaginable only a generation ago - and which has allowed it to cold-shoulder the European Union since 1994.
All countries will have to shoulder their responsibilities to the rest of the world and to future generations.
They all have very large net social security liabilities; they all have excessive entitlements and too few future taxpayers to shoulder the burden.
It is argued that, to avoid a default, private creditors should agree to shoulder part of the cost of the bailout.
If Europe wants to pull its weight on the global stage, it will have to act with greater unity of purpose and shoulder a greater share of responsibility.
Alternatively, China could shoulder some real responsibility for security in East Asia and close ranks against Kim and his reckless brinksmanship.
The US should help shoulder the burden by accepting 100,000 refugees next year and using its influence to persuade other countries to join an international resettlement initiative.
If those whose instinct is to be generous are left alone to shoulder the burden, that generosity will not last for long.
The Sunni reaction to Iran may reflect deep-seated suspicions about the Shia (witness the cold shoulder given by most Sunnis to Shia rule in Iraq).
Of course, it is always easier to export blame than to shoulder it.
Because private companies reap the benefits of the trials that do succeed, they should also shoulder the risks.
Yet, when it comes to protecting this global treasure, these countries are expected to shoulder the burden by themselves.
CAIRO - This summer, as the dust of the Arab Spring revolutions begins to settle, women - who stood shoulder to shoulder with men in defying tyranny - are finding themselves marginalized and excluded from decision-making.
Otherwise, not only will Europe's global political ambitions become untenable, but its allies on the other side of the Atlantic will lose patience with Europeans' refusal to shoulder their share of the security burden.
Indeed, complaints about stagnating incomes and poor public services gave way to displays of unqualified support for the government, with citizens declaring their willingness to shoulder the costs of confronting the West.
This, too, will fuel chaos, because none of these powers is strong enough to shoulder the American burden.
Instead, we are witnessing the birth of a non-polar order, in which America's chief competitors remain too busy with problems at home and in their immediate neighborhoods to shoulder the heaviest international burdens.