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serologically negative English

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What other words have the same or similar meaning as serologically negative?

serologically negative English » English


Examples serologically negative examples

How do I use serologically negative in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Positive atomic nuclei attract negative electrons.
I don't want to sound negative, but.
Some people argue that technology has negative effects.
The economy recorded a negative growth.
The results were negative.
His negative attitude rendered all my efforts useless.
His reply was negative.
He has a negative attitude to everything.
He answered my question in the negative.
She has a negative attitude toward life.
His answer was negative.
I won't translate such a negative sentence.
The product of two negative numbers is positive.
What are the main reasons behind these negative concomitants?
Debate is an academic game between the affirmative and the negative.
The outlook was negative.
Lack of sleep can have an enormous negative impact on a student's grades.
Stress can have an enormous negative impact on your health.
Tom's blood type is O negative.
Unsupported first-impression negative opinions are of small value.
A negative mind will never give you a positive life.

Movie subtitles

And if it's negative, then nothing changes, so what's the point?
Such were Chaplin's demands for perfection by this time that 90.000 feet of negative was photographed for the production, and Charlie went four days and nights without rest while editing The Immigrant to final lenght.
The camera negative misses the initial credits and the intertitles. These were reconstructed using the censorship cards.
The position of the titles is indicated by handwritten numbers in the negative. Copying work was done by L'Immagine Ritrovata in Bologna.
This film has been restored by Marguerite Engberg from a master print. made from the original negative.
The missing scenes were found in a fragment of a copy with french intertitles, the Fondazione Cineteca Italiana made available. The german intertitles correspond as far as possible to the original negative.
The restoration of FRAU IM MOND was carried out in 2000 by the Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Foundation in Wiesbaden, based on the camera negative from the Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv in Berlin.
The master negative of this edit was used for the 2K digital version.
The original negative is lost.
The original negative for picture and sound was lost.
You know. Prognosis negative.
Do you know what prognosis negative means?
Blow negative.
Close negative flood.
The negative was then developed. After the entire film was finished shooting, Fulton and his crew, along with director James Whale, began the special process work.
Give me that negative.
Wasn't there anything on that negative?
And don't scratch the negative.
The double negative, you know. - Now don't you start. I like the double negative.
They want 5000 for the negative and prints.
And the negative.
Those things happen, like electrons, positive and negative.
Double negative!
Look, sugar, I love you because you're Rh negative.
The grammar is appalling. On the first page. you doubled a negative, split an infinitive, and left out three commas.
Negative, madam.
Always so negative.
That's Negative Number 3, sir.
How about a blow-up from a negative that size?
Search plane gives a negative on survivors.
I say again. Negative.
The nucleus is positive. The electrons are all negative.
Now here we have a positive nucleus, negative electrons.
In the reverse, we must obviously have a negative nucleus with positive electrons.

News and current affairs

To offset the negative impact of private-sector deleveraging on growth, the US government has maintained expansionary fiscal and monetary policies.
At that point, the trouble grabbed widespread attention, destroyed public confidence, and set in motion a negative feedback loop.
And Chinese policymakers made it abundantly clear how unhappy they would be with a negative decision.
When the voters decide in the spring of 2007, their choice may depend more on negative than positive considerations, as it did in 2002, when Chirac faced the odious nationalist Jean-Marie Le Pen in the second round.
Moreover, the Japan shock is not the only negative factor at work today.
These risks are already exacerbating the economic slowdown: equity markets are falling everywhere, leading to negative wealth effects on consumption and capital spending.
But the public often views interest-rate increases as negative events that increase unemployment and stifle growth.
Some mortgages even had negative amortization: payments did not cover the interest due, so every month the debt grew more.
The housing bubble induced Americans to live beyond their means - net savings has been negative for the past couple of years.
America's household savings rate was at levels not seen since the Great Depression, either negative or zero.
Predatory lenders went further, offering negative amortization loans, so the amount owed went up year after year.
Sometime in the future, payments would rise, but borrowers were told, again, not to worry: house prices would rise faster, making it easy to refinance with another negative amortization loan.
The result was increased US spending and the descent of measured household savings into negative territory.
The first advantage is that you're not burdened with Ariel Sharon's negative image among Palestinians and Arabs.
Cutting these programs will lower American economic growth in the long term, with negative consequences both at home and abroad.
Despite a recovery in asset prices in many countries and the deceleration of negative growth, unemployment is high and rising.
The Japanese media's coverage of the visit was overwhelmingly negative, and it was remembered as a public-relations disaster.
But, unlike three decades ago, when the Japanese regarded China as one of their most favored countries, public opinion in both countries nowadays registers more negative feelings than positive ones.
On the other hand, the Court cannot charge - or refrain from charging - a senior political or military official responsible for grave crimes solely to avert negative political repercussions.
To those who view China's rise in a negative light, the country is simply becoming ever more arrogant.
Patients who self-reported a previous diagnosis of bipolar disorder that was not confirmed by the SCID did not have a significantly higher risk for bipolar disorder than the patients who were negative for bipolar disorder by self-report and the SCID.
Both can have negative consequences.

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