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sentry box English

Meaning sentry box meaning

What does sentry box mean?

sentry box

a small shelter with an open front to protect a sentry from the weather

Synonyms sentry box synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as sentry box?

sentry box English » English

watchtower lookout

Examples sentry box examples

How do I use sentry box in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The box is made of wood.
You can tear the box open.
Leave that box where it is.
What's in the box?
This box is not as big as that one.
The lid of this box won't lift.
That box is bigger than this one.
My box is twice as heavy as yours.
I opened the box and looked inside.
I don't have a box.
Tom put all his money in a box and hid it under his bed.
There are five apples in the box.
Tom handed Mary the box.
Tom put the box in the car.
You may take either the big box or the small one.
Do you know what this box is made of?
I found the box empty.
Where is the nearest telephone box?
There are gaps between the boards in the box. If you fit them in snugly, you'll get more use out of the box.
You must on no condition open the box.
How do you make a box?
Pack them in the box.
The girl lifted the heavy box with one hand.
Take that box away!
Why did you open the box?

Movie subtitles

Imagine that your brain is made of tiny boxes Then find the box that's gay and CRUSH IT!
And I found this box.
It was a metal box.
Face mask, burns box, resus.
A bottle of Sav and I'm bingeing my way through the box set of Downton Abbey.
Yes, but so too a box cutter, a scalpel, many things.
She's still unravelling old sweaters from the charity box to knit up mittens for the poor.
She's not the sharpest tack in the box.
Well, it seems like you could've gone with something a little more, I don't know, out of the box.
Shannon, that's just a box of raisins.
Then how do you plan on getting keen out of that concrete box?
Box number 3929.
I will exchange the box with juwels against 250,000 francs in cash.
This man was so kind, to carry my box for me.
The attendant of Box Five will not laugh when you ask about the opera ghost!
Who occupies Box Five?
Box office.
Put it in a box.
If you ain't out of town by tomorrow morning you won't ever leave it except in a pine box.
Leave the whole box.
I will find your earth box and drive that stake through your heart.
You will tell Dr. Seward, who is sitting in the next box, that there is a phone call for him.
Take out whatever you have in there and put it in this box.
Hand me that box!
If you don't get out of here, I'll send you back to Poland in a pine box.
Were they in a purple box?
Under the box.
On the box.
In front of the box.
Behind the box.
Where's the box? -Over there.
Where's the box now?
Then how do you plan on getting Keen out of that concrete box?
Reserve a box for me at the Alhambra for tonight.
She hasn't sold a single box of matches and is too scared to go back to the shack.
Get my box of tricks!
White girl.funeral.always.have.box.

News and current affairs

The more meaningful message is how these shocks box the rest of us into an even tighter corner.
We do not yet know what combination of black-box computer programs and electronic trading algorithms, interacting across more than 50 market centers, caused this catastrophe.
This understanding means that the cure for the current dysfunction will be found at the ballot box rather than in the streets.
The poor and the oppressed may not have much, but they do have the numbers, which is what matters at the ballot box.
LONDON - Individual elections do not always enhance democracy - a useful reminder that the ballot box is only one part, albeit a central one, in any free, plural society.
These negotiations will be much harder in view of the spectacular repudiation of a number of key governments at the ballot box, together with the potent rise of protest and Euroskeptic parties in several member states.
If an insect was introduced into the box, rules governed that, too.
But as voters, they must wait before they see any results delivered by the choice they made at the ballot box.
The connection between the general interest and the private interest of individual Americans has, if anything, become much stronger, even if their private interest is tied to a post office box in the Cayman Islands.
Popper's preferred method, of course, was the ballot box.
Then the Israeli tanks that had been shooting up the trench lines crossed over them to enter the box, and finish off Egyptian resistance.
Despite this democratic endorsement, most Western governments have been reluctant to engage with these parties or to prepare for Islamists coming to power through the ballot box.
But the toxic brew of populism now gaining strength may yet open a Pandora's box, unleashing unpredictable consequences.
Scholars such as Princeton University's Andrew Moravcsik have long argued that the EU's legitimacy comes not from the ballot box, but from its ability to provide concrete benefits to citizens.
Palestine's Hamas, an offshoot of the Brotherhood, succeeded at the ballot box in 2006, but has since failed to deliver credible governance.
Confinement in a small box could not exceed two hours, but if the prisoner could stand in the box, it could continue up to eight hours at a time, 18 hours a day.
The purpose of confinement in a box is not to disorient someone, but to give the detainee a feeling of discomfort.
In short, the Commission's proposals and the follow-up suggestions put forward by some governments have forced open a Pandora's Box.
Moreover, as the terrorist attacks on America of 2001 showed, weapons as basic as box-cutters can become weapons of mass destruction if they are used to exploit the vulnerabilities of modern, global life.
In 1970, steel box-girder bridges in Milford Haven, Wales, and in Melbourne, Australia, failed spontaneously while under construction.

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